Letters to the Editor

Subject: re Toplessness
(August 23)

I must, reluctantly, agree with an earlier writer who suggested toplessness be confined to beaches and banned from streets and public pools. Reluctantly, because it shows just how conditioned we are by society during our upbringing. Streetwalking (no pun intended) is hazzardous to the motoring public dur to the male population's inability to concentrate on driving and staring at the same time.

It's not the female's fault we males are so easily distracted. The other point is more telling in that it is a matter of personal preference to have ANY degree of nudity forced upon us. I may not wish to look at jiggling, wobbling body parts while walking my 84 yr old mother down the street (one of us is sure to be embarassed) nor may I wish my young child to view things he/she is not prepared for in unexpected places. Beaches and any other reasonably private place are fine.

There is a further unfortunate side to this dispute and that is that the female may be putting herself at risk of personal attack by that element of the male population that has no wish to control itself and will act out its fantasies in violent ways. I wish no one harm, but perhaps the best way to avoid harm is to keep covered up unless you are relatively secure in you knowledge of your companions/viewers.This is a VERY sad commentary on our society, but, I believe, an accurate one. Other views are welcome. David

Subject: TOPLESS

I think its new so its a big deal, but soon it will be like the Euorpean countries. I think it is ok on the beach but no where else. Indoor pools and parks downtown is not the place for topless men or women.