I consider myself an egalitarian, liberal-thinking female who was a pioneer in bra burning.
 I have always found it unpleasant to have to view "men" shirtless downtown. You can't imagine my distaste seeing women do the same thing.
 Early one recent morning, a young woman strutted down Clarence Street wearing shorts, boots, socks and a Walkman.
 I fought bitterly for the rights of women to go braless. What difference, said I, seeing men's or women's nipples through fabric? Same thing, correct?
 Should I choose to go topless in the privacy of my own yard or on a beach (where allowed), it is my right and I will fight for that right. However, where does a sense of decency begin?
 Was this young woman heading for work? If so, was she planning to dress on the street before entering work? Does she think she should be "at" work in a state of undress? Her answer might be, "No, since men are required to wear shirts at work!" How about construction sights or gardening centres where they can go topless?
 Do you women think so little of your bodies that you wish to display yourselves to the point that your physical attributes no longer are?
 As someone once said, "Be careful what you wish for; you may get it!"
 Perhaps the government, who has probably precipitated our dilemma by enacting laws allowing women equal rights in this area should enact one more; forbidding public nudity on city streets, for anyone over the age of two or three of either sex.

 Regarding, Sight of bare breasts shakes up downtown (June 24), about a young topless who identified herself only as Christine.
 Well thank you Christine for helping all women with our self image. All along women thought they had to use their brains.
 What a relief it is to know that all we have to do is remove our shirts. Who do you think you are that you actually believe you represent the women of London?
 The picture that was distastefully placed in the Free Press was disgusting and it infuriated me. If I were to pass you downtown with my four young children, I would have no choice but to protect their eyes. Don't you get it? People of London do not want to look at you. You Christine, not parents, are giving the "wrong message." Obviously you are not a parent.
 Do something constructive and stop harassing people downtown. For starters, get your act together and find yourself a job. That might help your self image.

 OK, enough is enough. This topless law for females is insane. I was hoping The London Fress Press would not show pictures of it, but to my dismay, there it was on the front page of the London & Region section June 24. I agree with the statement by Shauna Burke in the article, Sight of bare breasts shakes up downtown (June 24), that it is up to the individual if she wants to go topless. Just like abortion or anything else.
 Women are beautiful, and should be respected and loved. I feel that there are other ways to feel good about their bodies than going topless. Women have a lot of other ways that they can show beauty, inner beauty. Going top less is not the way to go.