Wednesday, July 9, 1997


Keep tops on

I feel I must express my concerns about the topless issue. I was pleased to read the article about Pam Ayer's efforts to get a petition together. I hope more people will do likewise. I have a feeling that the vast majority of Ontario's citizens are not in favour of women going topless.
I am hesitant to go to public places with my family and am not looking forward to a week at Sauble Beach later this summer. Even my 11-year old has voiced his concerns.
Are we not sending mixed messages to our children? They are being taught that any body parts covered by a bathing suite are private and that no one should be able to touch you there. Does this mean that topless women will not mind if someone touches their breasts? Where will the line be drawn with regards to harassment?
Let's bring back our dignity and respect. If these women so desperately want to expose themselves then have somewhere set aside just for them. That way, those of us who do not choose this way of "expressing" ourselves will know which beaches and parks are
still family friendly.

Janet Larter