Nude is not lewd

To the editor: After reading the article about the topless sunbathers at Lakeview Beach, and the parents who were angered by them, we found ourselves asking one question. Why do some people think nudity equates to sex? We totally agree that children must be protected from sexual exposure, but nudity and sex are as different as apples and oranges. We ask Amy Parker, who felt topless sunbathing "was disgusting," how is God's creation -- the human body -- disgusting? Simple, it's not. But, the minds of those who relate that nudity must mean sex are obviously confused and should perhaps seek a therapist. As well, we ask Tracey Fudge the same question, "Why do you relate nudity -- which is wholesome and natural, to the smuttiness of a sleazy strip club?" (where the body is degraded). Then these people and others claim it's not right for children to see an innocent bare body. Children only know what they are taught, so by hiding the body creates feelings of quilt, shame and embarrassment. Children can only then feel it must be bad. How can these conditions create healthy, good traits? Again, get your sex-obsessed minds out of the gutters all the time. Children who are raised in families where nudity is accepted, grow up with a wholesome, healthy attitude. Simply, the body is no big deal. After all, children are the ones who love to run bare. It's certain adults that enforce a false negative impact upon them. Parents, who when encountering a natural (not sex-related) exposure to the human body and dart to cover their kids' eyes are announcing, "The body is bad and not to be seen." No wonder some children develop into the adults who enjoy ogling innocent people, or become peering perverts lurking behind bushes. Wake up and see the big picture. Parents who are offended by this must objectively and honestly question their ideology of this issue. This takes guts and courage. But then again it's easier to act like the "ignorant simpleton" who while in her car no less, shouted to the topless sunbathers that they were "SLUTS." Address your insecurities and stop justifying them by using the "it's so bad for the children" claim. Realize that nudity and our bodies are moral and wholesome. With this done, maybe the giggly gawkers and leering perverts will diminish, with the sleazy strip club slowly going out of business. All simply due to lack of interest. K. and R. Miller, Whitby


To the editor: Subject: front page photograph ­ disgusting! I was thoroughly disgusted to find the FRONT page of your newspaper sporting topless bathers. Though they were "modestly" covering their bare breasts, their g-strings covered very, very little! Why did this picture have to be printed on the front page when there are young newspaper carriers who, while inserting the many advertisements, must look at it 50 to 100 times? Then look at it another 50 to 100 times when delivering the paper. Kerri Vos, Oshawa