Hookers bare breasts
OTTAWA - Some local prostitutes have started using the right to bare their breasts
in public as a business tool. Restaurant workers say two hookers created a traffic
hazard on a busy road Tuesday by flashing motorists and pedestrians. Another reportedly
attracted a crowd by walking around topless for about an hour.
"It made for a good show," said Doris Chouinor, manager of the Original
Waffle House. "It kind of blocked traffic for a while."
In the late afternoon, another prostitute working the same spot whipped off her
top completely to the delight of a horde of onlookers at a nearby motel.
Some people were disturbed by the display but said they didn't call they police
because they had heard it's now legal for women to bare their breasts in public
in Ontario.
But the law forbids women from discarding their tops for sexual or business purposes.
In Toronto, police said they had yet to see prostitutes show their wares.
"We haven't seen any going topless," one officer told the Ottawa Sun.
"But if they're in Ottawa, it's likely just a matter of time before we see
it here."
If a prostitute takes off her top, she will likely be charged, said police spokeswoman
Sgt. Marilyn McCann.