From the editor's desk

Strike mandate needed

By Thomas Bare


Over this past year I have seen divisions in this local, as far as I have seen, as bad as it has ever been. The reasons are numerous and not with out their reasons. But now, as we go to the union hall on Monday or Tuesday for the strike vote, this local has got to pull together and come out united behind our wage delegates. We must give them our support by giving them a strike mandate to fight for our rights. Eurocan has some huge issues on their agenda that we simply can not be a part of. If we fail to fight on this contract, we will have failed ourselves, our brothers that have fought before us, and especially, everyone coming in after us. If there is any confusion on what the issues truly are, talk to one of your wage delegates or your shop steward. On Monday or Tuesday, give your delegates the support they need.

In solidarity,

Thomas Bare 1