Life in Hell: The Adventures of Tracy, Peter, and Kevin

Roomates. They constantly forget to change the toilet roll, blare music at four o'clock in the morning, and leave weeks worth of dishes in the sink at a time. And that's just the annoying things I do.

Allow me to introduce you to my two roomates, Peter and Kevin. Peter is a tall 27 year old part-time student at Concordia University studying Business. He works at a candy store full time as a sales clerk. He likes sports (playing and watching) and playing around on his computer. He's an overall okay guy (although somewhat quiet) who is easy to get along with - most of the time.

And then there's Kevin. He's the fun one. Fun to make fun of, that is. Kevin is a 30 year old unemployed high school teacher who is highly introverted and shy. He has very few friends, drinks lots of herbal tea, and likes to watch TV. He's probably a very intelligent guy, though he doesn't like to show it much. He has an engineering degree from Canada's best engineering school (he took part in the 5 year co-op program) and a teaching degree from one of Canada's leading universities. He substitutes on occassion, and does some janitorial work for our landlord in exchange for decreased rent.

And me? I'm a 21 one year old psychology major at McGill university. Part time, I hold several jobs that are paying my way through school. Currently, I'm the Assistant Manager at AUS Snax, a student run store at school, and I do a bit of web site design in my spare time. I also volunteer as a co-ordinator for several big events run by the Arts Undergraduate Society, such as Frosh (freshmen) and Carnival Weeks.

So that's us. Three very different people living in a three bedroom apartment with a teeny tiny kitchen in the middle of downtown Montreal.

And this website is a diary of sorts, relating funny/annoying/infuriating stories of the trials and tribulations of Tracy, Peter, and Kevin.


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