Arrive Alive-Don't Drink and Drive

Arrive Alive-Don't Drink and Drive

Before you see those flashing lights behind you, take a look at these drunk driving facts.

Drunk driving is a leading cause of death for young people ages 15-24.

On Friday and Saturday nights, 1 out of every 10 drivers are drunk.

Drunk driving is the #1 traffic safety problem across the nation.

There are more than 25,000 Americans that die yearly as a result of drunk driving.

Drunk Driving Is Very Embarrassing!

Think how you would feel to spend the night in jail, to be searched, handcuffed, and locked up..not embarrassing enough? What about when everyone finds out about it. A drunk driving arrest may even hit the news!

Drunk Driving is Expensive!

Start with cash for bail, attorney fees, court costs and a fine. Oh yeah, don't forget the court administered alcohol program. Maybe add in the price for a wrecker and repair service-a new car maybe? How about high risk insurance, alternative transportation until you get your license back.

Drunk Driving Is A Criminal Offense!

The law states that it is a crime to operate a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol, while impaired by alcohol, or with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .10 or more in most States. That's actually a high level and the chance of having an accident increase long before they reach that. A driver with a blood alcohol level of 0.09 percent may be legally safe but not physically safe.

Drunk Driving Tears Families Apart!

Every year, thousands die from alcohol related accidents. How would you feel if someone you loved died as the result of a negligent driver?

Know the Facts

One beer, one cocktail, or one glass of wine, all have the same amount of alcohol. Hot coffee and cold showers may help wake the person up, but he/she will still be drunk. It takes time for the alcohol to burn out of the system. There are no magic tricks to sobering up..Only time.

Know Your Limits

If you are driving, the best bet is to not drink at all.

Know Your Driver

You might not be behind the wheel but it is your responsibiltiy to know who is.

Keep A Friend

If a friend drinks too much, do him/her a favor. Don't let them drink and drive.

Offer and Take Advice

Friendly advice can make the difference of a lifetime for you and your friends.

Drunk Driving Around The World

San Salvidor: The drunk driver is given another chance. He isn't executed until his second offense.

Australia: The names of the drunk drivers are sent to the local newspapers. It is printed under the heading "He's Drunk and in Jail."

Maylasia: The drunk driver is jailed. If he is married, his wife goes to jail with him.

South Africa: The drunk driver is given a 10 year sentence, a fine of $10,000 or both.

Finland: Drunk drivers serve 1 year in jail.

England: Drunk drivers serve 1 year in jail.

Sweden: Drunk drivers serve 1 year in jail.

Turkey: Drunk drivers have a long journey ahead of them. Police take them 20 miles from town and force them to walk back.

MYTH: If I just drink beer, I won't get drunk as fast.

FACT: A 12 oz. beer, a 6 oz. glass of wine, and 1 oz. shot of whiskey all have the same amount of alcohol.

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