
The Internet is a prime resource for information relating to Death Row and related Human Rights issues. Most search engines will return hundreds of results simply on the phrase "death penalty". What follows is simply a recommended start.

Amnesty International's death penalty page. Amnesty's tireless attack on all matters concerning insitutionalised abuse warrants a place on anyone's list of bookmarks.

"The Death Penalty Today" a lecture given by Professor Anthony Amsterdam, professor of law at New York University. Professor Amsterdam directed the legal challenges to the death penalty that led to People v. Fuhrman, the 1972 United States Supreme Court case that invalidated the US's death penalty statutes

DPIC - "The Death Penalty Information Centre" is probably the best resource for data regarding every aspect of capital punishment in the US. Virtually everything you need to find out more can be discovered here.

NAACP - The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People hold a lofty and respected position in the cause of racial equality in America. This is a hugely important site when considering the role that race has to play in Death Row politics. Over half of America's death row prisoners are coloured

"The Other Side of the Wall" - another excellent links and resources page.

Campaign against Wrongful Convictions - more reasons to decry the lack of justice running through the US penal system. This site is a real bang-your-head-on-the-table-in-frustration experience.

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