From Allstate Insurance Company

Drunk drivers, the most dangerous violators of traffic safety, contribute to almost half of all highway deaths. After midnight, one out of every ten highway drivers is impaired. It's worse during holidays.

Look for these warning signs to spot a drunk driver:

-- unusually wide turns
-- straddling the center land or lane marker
-- weaving or swerving
-- sudden stops
-- tailgating
-- abrupt or illegal turns
-- rapid acceleration
-- no headlights at night
-- nearly hitting a car or object
-- drifting
-- slow response to traffic signals
-- driving in the wrong direction

What you should do:

Maintain a safe distance. Don't try to pass; the drunk driver might swerve into you.

If a drunk driver is behind you, turn right at the nearest intersection so the car can pass you.

If the drunk driver is coming head-on, move right to the shoulder and stop. Use your horn and lights to get his or her attention.

When approaching an intersection, especially after midnight, slow down and expect the unexpected.

Use your seatbelts and shoulder restraints, and keep your doors locked.

Get the drunk driver's license number, get to a phone, and report it to the police.

This information highlights examples of safety precautions you can take to help protect yourself, your family, and your property. This list is not meant to be all encompassing. Moreover, a particular precaution may not be effective in all circumstances.