Poster against sexual violence (rapes)
Sticker for women right's
Poster against sexual violence (1998)
Leaflet for the demonstration "Women conquer the night"
Leaflet against Discrimination
against sexual violence (rapes)
dorwiemy cie! = Raper, we will get you!
Przeciwko prezemocy seksualnej = Against sexual violence
we are not able to display the polish special signs on our keyboard...)
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walcz o swoje prawa =Woman, fight for your right!
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against sexual violence (1998)
for the demonstration "Women conquer the night"
zdobywaja noc = Women conquer the night!
following translation might not be aqurate word by word, but has the same content...]
It was not enough that you went home alone through an empty street, you also
passed an office with nobody in it exept a singly guy. Futhermore you had a
short skirt on and you drank a bit too much. The guy was charming and so he
convinced you to go to his room.
Your "No" sounded for him like a "Yes". Or maybe he just did not hear you scream.
It did not matter wether it was your boyfriend, husband or boss. Your body became
an object used only to satisfy himself. Later under the shower you washed away
your pain and shame until you bled.
Fear of rape know all of you women. You many of us experienced rapes personally
cannot be answered by police statistics, because only about 20% of all raped
women notify the police. Women seldomly come out and want to state what happened
that night, afraid that nobody will believe them. Also they are acussed that
the encouraged men to rape them. "Why did you go that way?", "Why did
you dress like that?" they have to hear.
The horrible experience of rape will be remembered by them until the rest of
their lifes. The atmosphere of fear will be with them for the following years.
It must not be that way!
We must stop feeling guilty, we must stop our fear! Rape is a crime and all
rapers deserve prison. We cannot agree with the role of the quiet victim. We
must win against our fear. Let us show that we can scream and defend ourselves.
Let us conquer the night! We will go to places where women were raped, we will
show that we do not agree with that, we will show that we won't be silent anymore.
Let us feel save together.
29th of April 1998 in Warsaw!
Remember: Rape is not only what happens to others, it can happen to you, too!
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Jestescie tak bardzo przekonani o swojej swietosci, ze nie zauwazacie nic obok siebie. Sluchacie zespolów z zaangazowanymi tekstami, nosicie naszywki, nie opuszczacie zadnej gieldy. O co w tym wszystkim chodzi? To jeszcze jedna zniewalajaca wersja zycia. Widzicie cierpienie ludzi w Chinach, widzicie cierpienia zwierzat w rze1/4niach. Ale jestescie zbyt slepi, aby zauwazyc dyskryminacje kobiet. Przyznajecie sie do mizoginizmu w stosunku do dziewczyn. Pustymi sloganami nic sie nie osiagnie.
Nie mozna
walczyc z systemem, jesli samemu nie jest sie w porzadku. Nie pomoze tez ciagle
zwalanie winy na rzad, spoleczenstwo, policje. Rewolucja zaczyna sie w naszych
glowach. Ile razy smiales sie z homoseksualistów i za chwile oburzales
sie, gdy ktos nazwal czarnoskórego czlowieka "brudasem, czarnuchem"?
Cos tu jest nie tak, nie sadzisz? Ultraostry wyglad nie zalatwia niczego - musisz
zauwazyc pewne problemy, czesto dotykajace ciebie bezposrednio. Nikt nie chce
cie pouczac - kazdy ma swój rozum. Ale spróbuj chociaz raz uniknac
i dac sobie spokój z tym wielkim pseudopankowym wrzaskiem. Rozejrzyj
sie wokolo: dziewczyny sa dyskryminowane wszedzie: i na "scenie niezaleznej",
i poza nia. Niczym nie rózni sie poklepywanie po tylku przez punka czy
przez zula spod budki z piwem. Niczym nie rózni sie sztuczne odsuwanie
kobiet od waznych spraw w alternatywnym swiatku i w "normalnym" spoleczenstwie.
Zastanów sie i przemysl to. Odnoszac sie z wyzszoscia do kobiet, jestes
wspóltwórca calego systemu patriarchalnego, który ucis.
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