On January 28th Karthikeyan Kumaraguru wrote an article [en]titled "Abortion Counters Population Boom". Kumaraguru made some false accusations on behalf of all pro-lifers that I would like to correct. He claimed that children are starving world-wide and abortions some how help this problem. He said that pro-lifers don't care about these children or the women involved. First of all, I would like to say that I do send money to these children in third world countries. I am also planing to enlist in the Peace Corps in the year 2000 when I graduate to help the people of Africa. Yes, world hunger is a problem. But don't assume that my concern for the unborn doesn't include those people who are born. Karthikeyan, if you believe that killing innocent children is the answer to world hunger, why don't you just shoot all the people that are starving right now? That would solve it. Sounds horrid doesn't it? Well, I think that if you actually saw how brutal abortion really is, if you ever saw an actual abortion done on an ultra sound and saw the remains of an aborted child in a garbage can, you might think a bit differently. You also say that we make women "face the emotional trauma when deciding whether to abort of not." Have you ever talked to a post-abortive woman? Do you even know what post abortion syndrome is? I doubt it. Let me give you a little run down. Post abortion syndrome is a mental disorder that 90 percent of all women whom have had abortions will at some point suffer from. Some symptoms are extreme guilt, anxiety, nightmares, eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, depression, suicide and the list goes on for three pages. If you want to see it, stop by our office. I'll be glad to show you the rest. I'll be glad to take you to a crisis pregnancy center and let you talk to some post-abortive women. I think that if you actually had the guts to look into the effects that abortion leaves on women, you may think twice about saying that abortion helps them. You may also think twice on who's actually helping them in the long run. Planned Parenthood counselors spend a few days sympathizing with pregnant women telling them thazt they're doing the right thing. Once the procedure is done, so is the Planned Parenthood counseling. At the Crisis Pregnancy Center, we spend years trying to help women after they've made the decision. So, who's really helping women? I commend you on your efforts to help third world countries, but don't ever assume that pro-lifers can care less. The truth is, myself and the UC Students for Life care a lot more than you think. Obviously the problem of starving children isn't going to be solved by abortion. Abortion has been legal for over thirty years now. World hunger still exists. The problem isn't overpopulation. If you would have taken the time to read our Insert last Thursday and read the statistical argument on the myth of overpopulation, I wouldn't have to tell you this. According to the 1994 World Population Data Sheet from the Population Reference Bureau, the entire population of 5.6 billion people could be housed in the state of Texas. A family of five would occupy more than 6,500 square feet of living space. This article will also tell you that there is more than enough food for everyone. The problem is distribution, not population. Ths US can solve the problem by picking up the phone when they see those commercials and sending five bucks a month. So, maybe instead of condemning pro-lifers on the issue, maybe you should condemn your country in general for caring less. I challenge you to come to our office or to out table located in fron of the Rhine room every Wednesday from 10:00-2:00 and read our facts that have been adequately researched. I challenge all of you who write about all the excuses of why abortion should remain legal. Your opinions and arguments are never researched fully. I guess I don't see how they could be , comming from you side. Emily Rockenfelder President of UC Students for Life Sophomore Social Work This article was taken from the Feb. 2, 1998 issue of The News Record, the University of Cincinnati student newspaper. Return to Main Page |