Yigal Allon's July 1967 plan for the occupied territories after the 6-day war

This is the "Allon Plan" for the annexation and return of lands conquered in 1967. Allon proposed that Israel annex Jerusalem and two eastern sections of the Westbank: the Jordan Valley, and the Northern Dead Sea area. The rest of the Westbank would be annexed to Jordan (the demand for a Palestinian state hadn't really hadn't heated up yet). The Allon Plan was based on the concept of defensible borders, not on the concept of "Jewish sacred land". Allon did not propose, for example, that Israel annex Hebron. The Labour Party's position has always been in tune with the Allon Plan, with defensible borders their main concern, whereas Likud is highly concerned with the ideological/religious importance of the Westbank. It should be noted, however, that Allon proposed the annexation of the Gaza Strip, and the purely insane idea of the "TRANSFER" of its inhabitants to the Westbank. This crazy idea is not supported by the Labour party, who gave most of Gaza to the Palestinians during OSLO.

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