The Monthly President's Report
Charlie Stock, President
Kingston & District Labour Council

November 16, 1999
President’s Report,


Our council has remained quite active over the last month and we should feel proud of the accomplishments achieved. The fall school at Chaffey's Locks was well attended and as always Peter Boyle did a great job. The participants not only learned in the classroom but also were bussed into Kingston to participate in a Solidarity rally for the CUPE 109 strikers. A few short hours later a tentative agreement was announced. Peter sends his regrets and best wishes to the delegates as he is currently touring Brazil with a Steelworker delegation.

Kingston was well represented at the opening of the Provincial government legislature on October 21,1999. The Health Care rally included Natalie Mehra, Dinah Cotter as speakers, Ross Sutherland who participated in the skit to highlight the problem, Mike Hoover and others from Kingston. Special thanks to Natalie for this being so successful. We have lobbied John Geretsen MPP, on behalf of our council and the Kingston HealthCare Coalition regarding the CCAC's and cutbacks to Homecare and Healthcare. Leona Dombrusky has not answered our calls as of yet. We attended the monthly meeting of the Ontario Health Coalition on November 10th. Our council was represented at the Kingston HealthCare Coalition meeting held last night at the Kingston Public Library.

Labour's Voice in the Community taped two more shows today. The first one featured Natalie Mehra talking about the Poverty event being held on November 24th. Barb Astbury was the guest on the other show talking about the CUPE Local 109 city strike.

Willie Lambert who is a candidate for President of the Ontario Federation of Labour will address our delegates at tonight's meeting. Unfortunately Wayne Samuelson is unavailable due to the Occupational Disease tour. Blain Morin who is currently seconded by the Ontario Federation of Labour to do Needs Assessments in terms of our leadership taking care of injured members will also speak to our delegates tonight.

I would remind the delegates of the WHSC activist dinner Thursday night at Gencarrelli's restaurant on Thursday evening where Brian Brophy will be recognized for his contribution to making our workplaces a safer place.

In closing, I would ask all delegates to try and attend the Poverty event on November 24th and to call Peter Milliken expressing our disappointment in terms of the lack of effort the Federal Liberals have shown regarding this severe problem.

As always,
In solidarity,

Charlie Stock