Approximately 260 members representing the blue collar workers with the Union of National Defence Employees at CFB Kingston will be on the picket lines February 3, 4 and 5. 1999.
There walkout is part of a strategic strike action being taken by the Public Service Alliance of Canada. Negotiations with the Federal Government of Canada have completely broken down. After 8 years of wage freezes the Chretein government has offered its blue collar workers 1% per year for each year of a 2 year contract that is due to expire in May of this year.
The employer, the Federal government is driving its own work force into poverty. The majority of workers at CFB Kingston earn less than $24,000.00 a year.
We the workers at CFB Kingston are tired and fed up being the scapegoats of Federal Government.
They are asking for our help.
They will have picket lines set up at CFB Kingston main gates , the Royal Military College and at Fort Frontenac. These lines will go up at 5:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the 3,4 and 5 of February to coincide with the planned visit of Jim Judd, Deputy National Defense Minister.
In an sadly ironic twist, Judd will be touring the military establishments here in Kingston to gather information regarding the "Quality of Life" for members of the Canadian Armed Forces stationed in Kingston." Neither he or the Minister of National Defense seem to care about the "Quality of Life" of their civilian employees.
It has been a very difficult time for the UNDE members over the past 8 years. Cuts and wage freezes have demoralized the members.
Bolster their spirits and help them to FIGHT BACK against a very arrogant and abusive employer.
Join in SOLIDARITY with UNDE workers at one of picket lines.
Tell all your co-workers and friends and ask them to spread the word.
Post a copy of this e-mail - anywhere you can.
Come yourself and bring someone with you. Its great exercise for the body and mind.
If you can't participate today encourage others to fill your spot on the line.
If you can't participate Wednesday (today) choose Thursday or Friday.
Call local MP Peter Miliken's Office (613) 542-3243 to discuss this dreadful situation. Tell Miliken he was elected by the people who live in our community and not by his cronies on parliament hill.
Pass this number (above) around....every call counts.
Call 542-7322 or drop by the Strike headquarters at the Public Service Alliance of Canada Office at 234 Concession Street offer your support and any assistance.
And finally.... Distribute this message to all your e-mail contacts and ask them to do the same.
FOR IMEDIATE RELEASE: February 2nd, 1999
Local Activists Asked to Support The Pickets
Linda Herrington (613) 547-6369 Union of National Defence Employees or Charlie Stock (613) 549-6258 President, Kingston and District Labour Council