(This speech was delivered on Independence Day 1994 at a patriot rally held at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park in Dayton Ohio.)

Fellow Americans:

We are all gathered here today to "Stand Up for America." This idea of "standing up for America" ... what is it? What is it we're standing up for? If you're going to stand up for something, the first thing you need is a firm foundation. If you're going to take a stand, the first thing is to decide where you're going to stand. And if you want to keep standing, you'd better take your stand on something solid, something that's not going to move out from under you!

Solid Foundation

Our United States have stood firm for as long as they have because they were built on a solid foundation to begin with. George Washington summed it up completely when he said, "It is impossible to govern rightly without God and the Bible." Andrew Jackson, our 7th President, said "The Bible is the book upon which this Republic rests."

These United States have lasted for more than 200 years because they were built on the right foundation to begin with. And our situation is getting shaky because for the last 60 years, most of our government has been built on other foundations, weak foundations, false foundations! I am going to quote our founding fathers several times today, but they are not the ones who invented the principles upon which our republic is based. They got their ideas from the absolute truth of God's word, the Holy Bible!

People have debated whether or not the United States is a "Christian nation." George Washington and all the others made it clear: that is what we are supposed to be!

The American Revolution did not begin in Lexington and Concord, when Paul Revere warned everybody, "The Redcoats are coming!" The American Revolution began many years earlier, in pulpits throughout the colonies, as preachers proclaimed God's requirement that all behavior, including national behavior, be in obedience to the Bible!

Those principles are eternal principles! They do not change! Right and wrong are always right and wrong!

God's law stands forever! If a nation wants to be around for any length of time, it had better make sure that its laws stay lined up with God's law! We cannot afford to let our laws flap in the changing breeze of public opinion!

Republic vs. Democracy

One thing we need to get straight is this: The United States of America is a republic! It is not supposed to be a democracy!

What's the difference? The difference is this: democracy means "rule of the people." A republic means "rule of law." A democracy does whatever the people feel like doing at any moment. A republic does what is right, according to the eternal principles upon which that republic is built!

Under a republic, the power of government is limited by its constitution. A constitution says that a government may do certain things, and nothing else! Under a democracy, there are no limits on the power of government! A democracy is nothing but mob rule! Under a democracy, there is no protection of your rights!

So what happens is that all these politicians come along, they make nice sounding speeches, they promise all kinds of benefits and payoffs for special interest groups, and guess who pays for all those benefits! You!

And so, more and more people get themselves into situations where they qualify for these benefits, and you, the working people of America, have to keep paying higher and higher taxes to pay for all these political payoffs!

And of course, the whole thing eventually goes belly up! Eventually, you get too many people receiving benefits, and too few people left to pay for them! Under a democracy, people's greed gets the best of them! They keep voting more and more benefits for themselves, until it breaks the system!

Democracy leads to tyranny

With a broken economy, soon you have chaos. You have people desperate for food and other basic necessities. They become desperate enough to kill for a loaf of bread! Desperate enough to support some dictator! Desperate enough to support any government ruthless enough to do whatever it takes to restore order!

That's how democracy always degenerates into tyranny! Throughout all of history, no democracy has ever escaped this fate!

All that stuff about democracy we all learned in the public schools is a big lie! Democracy is not something that is good for the people! A republic is the only proper form of government! And that is what used to be taught in the public schools, a couple of generations ago! I'll have some more to say later about why that was changed.

When people take responsibility for their own lives, they prosper. They have freedom, and government leaves them alone. But when people try to push off their responsibility onto government, the government will gladly assume those responsibilities, along with the rights that go along with those responsibilities! Rights and responsibilities cannot be separated! Wherever one goes, the other will soon follow!

Lust for power

Government has always attracted people who have a lust for power. Most people are content to just mind their own business and run their own lives. There are some, however, who think that they're better than everyone else. They think that they have the right to run your life, too!

Which kind of person do you think God likes? Proverbs 3:34 says, "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." It says it again in James 4:6 and in 1 Peter 5:5.

It takes a lot of pride to think that you're entitled to run everybody else's life for them!

But that's the basic idea behind all forms of socialism! Whether it's communism or fascism or democratic socialism, it's all the same! A few self proclaimed "experts" want to run everybody else's life for them!

That's part of the reason socialism is popular among the academic community. (Notice I did not say "intellectual" community! Much about the academic community is violently anti-intellectual! A very good book on the subject is The Closing of the American Mind by Alan Bloom.)

The academics, the people who sit in their ivory towers, are proud! They think that you, the common people, are too stupid to run your own life! They think they have the right to run your life for you! They think that you're too stupid to have any rights! That's why they like socialist government: it creates lots of high paying jobs for people like themselves to sit around and interfere with your private lives!

Socialism immoral

Socialism is not "a nice idea in theory, but somehow just doesn't work out in practice." Socialism is an idea that is completely immoral, all the way to its core!

That's why the academic community, the universities and the foundations, are so violently anti-intellectual: they ignore the fact that every nation in history that has tried socialism, was destroyed by socialism!

When you work and produce goods and services, those products are an expression of your personality. What you produce, is yours. Luke 10:7 says, "The worker deserves his wages." That is quoted as scripture in 1 Timothy 5:18. "The worker deserves his wages."

When you sell what you produce, and buy other things you would like to have, those other things are also an expression of your personality. Your property is an extension of you!

Every form of socialism is immoral, because it does not recognize your right to own property! Any violation of property rights is a violation of human rights!

By the way, all this talk about rights: some people claim that the Bible doesn't say anything about people's rights. It most certainly does! It comes in the form of commandments! Most of the commands that are in the Bible, are there because God is commanding you to respect other people's rights! So human rights most certainly are laid out in the Bible!

Charity or theft?

The idea, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" sounds nice on the surface, but who decides how much each person needs? Somehow it always ends up that those who decide how the wealth is to be distributed always distribute to themselves the biggest share! They always seem to get top priority!

The Communist slogan, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" is a lie! It assumes that government should be involved in charity, and uses that false idea as an excuse to steal your goods, which it keeps for itself!

Charity is a good thing, if it is voluntary! When I take money out of my pocket to give to somebody in need, that is charity. When I get the government to take money out of your pocket to give to someone I think needs it, that's not charity, that is theft!

Not only is socialism immoral, it's also unlawful!

In 1820, a widow of a war hero asked Congress to give her a pension. Congressman Davey Crockett said, "Nothing in the Constitution authorizes such an act, no matter how worthy the cause. As for this widow, I will give money out of my own pocket to help her, and I request that the rest of you do likewise."

Look how much our government is spending on socialist programs! Look how much of your wealth is being redistributed! Hundreds of billions of dollars every year!

Most of the government we have today is not permitted by the Constitution! Most of the government America has today is based on the Communist Manifesto!

Back through history

Folks, that did not just happen by accident! It was planned! Socialism in America was not demanded by the people! It was imposed by powerful men behind the scenes! Back in the 30's, when socialism was first forced upon us, the people did not want handouts! They wanted jobs! But the Federal Reserve, the unlawful central bank of the United States, had cut off the money supply to make sure that there would not be enough jobs! The Great Depression was artificially created by these rich and powerful men, to make the people desperate enough to accept their unlawful, immoral, government programs, designed to take away our freedom!

These rich and powerful men can be traced back before the Great Depression they created. Back before 1913, when they established their unlawful central bank, the Federal Reserve. Before 1913, when President Wilson said, "There is a power so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that prudent men better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

This power, spoken of by President Wilson, can be traced back before 1865, when they assassinated President Lincoln because of his monetary policy. It goes back before 1840, when these same people took over the Bank of England.

The Illuminati

This power, this secret society of rich and powerful men, can be traced back to May 1, 1776, 64 days before our Declaration of Independence. In Munich, Germany, Adam Weishaupt, Mayer Rothschild, and three others established their order, called "The Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria." Or "The Illuminati" for short. They think of themselves as "the illuminated ones."

Evidence of this group can be seen on the back of every one dollar bill printed since 1935. That pyramid with the eye floating above it, is a religious symbol. The Illuminati got it from ancient Egypt, thousands of years before Christ. It is a symbol of the Satanic religion that was practiced in Egypt, complete with human sacrifice!

A clever trick

One year after their founding, in 1777, the Illuminati did something extremely clever: they joined the Masonic lodge. The reason they did that is so that they could use the Lodge as a front organization for their activities. That way, when people came snooping around, trying to find out who's pulling the strings, making governments and other institutions act so weird, they begin to notice: "Hey! They're all Masons! They must be the ones doing it!"

The thing is: the vast majority of Lodge members have nothing to do with any of this stuff! And so, when investigators start looking at the Lodge, the Lodge members tell them, "You're full of baloney! This is just a fraternal organization! We are not manipulating the governments of the world!" The Masons make their arguments very convincingly, because they are completely sincere! They don't know that there's this other group, the Illuminati, using the Lodge as a front for their organization! Pretty clever strategy, isn't it?

I have here a quotation from the Duke of Brunswick, who was Grand Master of all the Lodges in Germany. In 1794, he wrote, in an order to all the Lodges in Germany, "The misuse of our Order, the misunderstanding of our secret, has produced all the political and moral troubles with which the world is filled today. You who have been initiated, you must join yourselves with us in raising your voices, so as to teach the people and princes that the sectarians, the heretics of our Order, have alone been and will be the authors of present and future revolutions. We must assure princes and peoples, on our honor and our duty, that our association is in no way guilty of these evils. But in order that our attestations should have force and merit belief, we must make for princes and people a complete sacrifice; so as to cut out to the roots the abuse and error, we must from this moment dissolve the whole Order."

That's what the Grand Master of the Lodge in Germany said in 1794.

The financial empire

The seed money of the Illuminati, the money that started its financial empire, ironically, came out of the money that King George III paid to have the Hessians come over and fight against us in the American Revolution! King George paid 10 million dollars to William the 9th, Baron of Hesse, to have the Hessians come over here and fight us. William the 9th kept the money, and didn't pay the troops! Then he got involved in something else, and left a banker in charge of the money; Mayer Rothschild. (The same Rothschild who was a founding member of the Illuminati.) Mr Rothschild then managed to embezzle about a third of it!

Then, by shrewd investment, and clever manipulation, the descendants of Mayer Rothschild managed to build that money into a tremendous empire, which now controls most of the wealth in the whole world!

There is a book called The Shadow Government of the United States, by Richard Eastman, which traces out much of the network of ownership that controls most of the major corporations. It turns out that the major corporations are controlled by a lot fewer people than they appear to be! One person sitting on the board of directors of several corporations can have a lot of influence! It turns out that, with the interlocking boards of directors of these corporations, the whole bunch of the multinational corporations is in fact controlled by very small group of people!

Other related groups

I mentioned the Illuminati, which is an underground group that controls the world's money and power. There's a couple of groups that are above ground, whose existence is not kept secret: the CFR, and the Trilateral Commission. CFR stands for "Council on Foreign Relations." Their headquarters is in New York City. The Trilateral Commission is a group of rich and powerful people from America, Europe, and the Far East. (That's where they get the "Trilateral" part of their name.) They "coordinate" the affairs of the 3 regions.

There's another group that tries to keep itself secret: they're called "The Bilderbergers." They got that name from the fact that their first meeting, in 1954, was in the Hotel Bilderberg in the Netherlands. They meet once a year, in different locations, to plan their strategy to increase their power at your expense!

By the way, both George Bush and Jimmy Carter were members of the Trilateral Commission. Both Dan Quayle and Bill Clinton attended the 1991 meeting of the Bilderbergers. So in case you had the mistaken idea that we have a two party system, no we do not! We are already under a one party system!

These groups, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderbergers, are all tied together. A number of people are members of all three groups. Basically, what these three groups are is, they are "working committees," all working for the Illuminati.

Comprehensive plan

These groups, these insiders, are all working toward the goal of establishing their "New World Order." They have a comprehensive plan, involving the takeover of all the world's finance, government, education, media, and religion.


I'll start with finance. Mayer Rothschild once said, "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws!" Ever heard of the "golden rule?" He who has the gold, makes the rules! These people understand that all too well!

On December 23, 1913, when many congressmen had already gone home for the holidays, the ones who were left bowed under the pressure of the big money men, and created the unlawful Federal Reserve. I say unlawful because it is an obvious violation of our Constitution! Article 1, Section 8 states, "The Congress shall have Power ... To coin Money, regulate the value thereof ..." Congress has that power, not a privately owned bank!

The Federal Reserve is like Federal Express; it is a privately owned corporation! Who owns it? Its shares are held by the biggest banks in New York City. The controlling interest in those banks is held by Rockefeller and his buddies. And they're all tied in with the Rothschild family and the Illuminati!

What a pyramid!

Here's how "The Fed" works: it creates money out of thin air! All the banks in the United States are required by law to be members of the Federal Reserve. When you put money in your bank, it deposits that money into the Fed. The Fed then lends out that same money seven times! That's right! They lend the same money to seven different people! Which of course gets deposited into various bank accounts. And then all those banks deposit all that money into The Fed, which lends out this sevenfold deposit seven times! That's right! The Fed has now loaned out the same money 49 times! And each one of these borrowers is paying interest to the Fed!

That's quite a pyramid scheme, isn't it? It gives a whole new meaning to that pyramid on the back of the dollar bill, doesn't it? That picture of that pyramid is a perfect symbol of how fraudulent our monetary system is! Every dollar bill in circulation says right on it: this is a pyramid scheme!

The Fed loans money at the discount rate (currently 3 1/2 percent) (July 1994) to the banks, who loan it out at higher rates. The big companies can borrow at the prime rate (currently 7 1/4 percent), and "riskier" borrowers, like you and me, have to pay still higher interest.

The debt trap

So, we have The Fed loaning money into existence, and we have the American people borrowing money to run the economy. And paying interest on it. Where are we going to get the money to pay the interest? We have to borrow it! The only way money can come into existence is for The Fed to loan it out!

So, here we are: we're paying interest on money that was created out of thin air! Money that has no intrinsic value! We have to pay interest to borrow it! And the only way we can pay the interest is to borrow more money! We are trapped! The monetary system is doing exactly what it was designed to do back in 1913: it is putting us deeper and deeper into debt, with no hope of ever getting out!

Now remember: every time you borrow money, you have to put up collateral. Then, when you borrow more money to pay the interest, you have to put up more collateral! It's obvious where all this is taking us! Eventually, we're going to reach the point where there is no more collateral to offer! Then, the banks will own everything! That is, the people who own the banks will own everything!

It all makes sense now, doesn't it?

Traitors, all of them!

There's a lot more to say about The Fed: how The Fed decides when there will be prosperity and when there will be a depression, by adjusting the discount rate. How the people who own The Fed, are the very same ones who gave Lenin the money to establish the Soviet Union! You think we're not under communist control? Our money is controlled by the same people who established communism!

These same people, through The Fed, created the Great Depression, to make the people desperate enough to accept all the socialism established by Franklin Roosevelt, in violation of our Constitution! The first Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Paul Warburg, had two brothers in Germany at the time: Felix Warburg, Chief Financial Advisor to the Kaiser, and Max Warburg, Chief of the German Intellegence Agency. Remember, this was 1914 to 1920! We were at war against Germany at the time! And the money of both countries was being controlled by two brothers!

I've just scratched the surface of how wicked the world financial system is! I need to move on, and tell you what these same people have done to our government:

Size of government

The insiders influence in government can be seen first, simply in the amount of government we have! 1.4 trillion dollars a year! Millions of employees! And the laws! 67,000 pages of new laws and regulations every year! And they've been doing that for the last 50 years!

People complain about the Bible being hard to live up to! It's only a thousand pages! And that includes all the stories and psalms and everything else! All of what could actually be considered law would easily fit within a couple of hundred pages!

If you think God is a hard master, look at the alternative! A couple hundred pages versus 67,000 new pages every year! It's obvious who really is a hard master! It isn't God! It's government!

Obviously, you and I don't have enough time to read all those new laws! And neither does Congress! Most of the law that's passed every year hasn't been read by even one congressman! Not even the sponsor of most bills has enough time to read what he's putting in!

Most of the law that gets passed every year was put into some bill by a staff employee of some congressman. What happens is, somebody with some money has some law written for him. He then gives the text to a staff employee of some congressman, along with a contribution to the congressman's re-election campaign!

The best government money can buy

The National Taxpayers' Union did a study. They matched up every congressman's voting record with the list of people who contributed to his campaign. On the surface, it looks like the campaigns are financed by thousands of people, each giving $1000 (the legal limit). But when they grouped the contributors by employer, it was easy to identify who bought which vote! It turns out that, for the average congressman, 95 percent of his votes were bought and paid for by someone! We really do have the best government money can buy!

And guess who's buying all those votes: the big money men we've been talking about! So if you've ever wondered why it seems like government is always against the little guy, it's because they're paid to be against the little guy!

The best example of that has got to be Howard Metzenbaum! He always votes for more and more big government taking over more and more of your personal life! But when election time comes up, there he is on TV every five minutes on every channel, telling you how much he's for the little guy! If he's such an advocate of the little guy, where did he get the money to buy all that time on television? From the big money men! Whose interests do you think he's really serving? Your interests? Or the interests of the big money men who gave him all that money he spends telling you he's on your side?

It is well documented: congressmen vote the way they're paid to vote! And who's paying them? The insiders, the big money men, the bankers who are working to establish their "New World Order!" I'll just mention a couple of examples of the kind of laws they're imposing on us. If I were to tell you everything they're doing, I'd be here talking until all you folks come back next year for this event!

Search and seizure

The first example is: the search and seizure laws that have been passed in the last few years. Today, in the United States, if you withdraw more than 10 thousand dollars from your bank account, the bank is required to report that to the government. If you draw out that 10 thousand dollars over a 12 month period, they take that as evidence that you're "structuring" your assets, that you're trying to hide something.

What happens then is, they confiscate the cash, they freeze your bank account, and they take anything else "connected" with your "structuring." Like your house! You kept that money in your house? Your house is "connected" with the deal! That's now government property!

Notice: All this happens without anything ever coming before a judge! Without anything that could be called "due process" by any stretch of the imagination! You have to go to court and prove that you were innocent! There you are, penniless and homeless, and you have to hire a lawyer and file suit to take back your own property!

Also notice: there's no "crime" other than "structuring" involved here! You don't have to prove that you were innocent of any other illegal activity, like drug dealing! You have to prove that you were innocent of "structuring!"

Criminal penalties

That's just the beginning! That was just the administrative penalty! Then they can prosecute you for "structuring!" If they win, the penalty is a mandatory prison term of up to 20 years, and a fine of up to 500 thousand dollars! And, the bank account that you withdrew your money from? It was frozen. It now becomes government property! There's no limit! They take all of it! That's the penalty for you putting your money where you want to keep it!

How does all this get started? Your bank is required to report any "suspicious" transactions! And not tell you! If they fail to report you, or if they tell you that they reported you, they can be prosecuted as your accomplice!

When the bank reports you, they get a percentage of all the property the government takes from you! Along with the policemen who break into your house and take your property! They get a cut! They don't even have to cover it up! The government gives them a share of your property!

And the judge who decides the case! He gets a percentage of the take! It goes into his fund for operating the court. So, if a judge wants to redecorate his chambers, all he has to do is uphold the government's theft of your property! And the government will give him a share of it! The judge is required to have a conflict of interest!

That is the law that is being enforced today in the United States! If it sounds like something from NAZI Germany, it's because that's where they got the idea! It's an exact copy!

Bill of Attainder

The government is committing a gross violation of our Constitution! The Fifth Amendment reads, in part, "No person shall be ... deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation."

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3 of our Constitution reads, "No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed." In 1984, the United States Congress passed a bill of attainder!

The law works like this: suppose some guy is a drug dealer. He carries the drugs in his car. Then he sells the car to a used car dealer. Then you buy the car from that dealer. According to the bill of attainder passed in 1984, the moment that drug dealer put the drugs into his car, that car became "tainted." That's what a bill of attainder is: it means something is "tainted." When that car became "tainted" it became government property! The fact that you paid your hard earned federal reserve notes for the car is irrelevant! The government can come and take the car from you, and not pay you one cent!

And you can't even sue to get it back! They take your property, and you're stuck! There is no appeal under this law!

By the way, in case you think that this is something rare, that these horror stories are wild exceptions to the rule, you should know: in 1992, 52 thousand people had property stolen from them by the government! In 85 percent of these cases, no other charges were filed! That is, 44 thousand people were plundered by the government for no reason!

The child abuse agency

If it bothers you what the government is doing with your property, wait 'til you hear what they're doing with your children!

Many states (including Ohio) have laws that require certain professions (teachers, doctors, and a bunch of others) to report whenever "they have reason to believe" that child abuse has occurred. That sounds nice on the surface, but take a closer look. If you see some "sign" that there might be abuse, but is probably something else, and you don't report it, they can come back to you later and say, "You 'had reason' to believe there was abuse, and you didn't report it." If you don't report this undefined thing you're supposed to report, they can revoke your license to practice your profession!

The law requires people to report all possible cases, and stir up all kinds of trouble, when most of the time, there's no reason for it!

Ok, all these suspected cases get reported. Then what happens? Then the child abuse agency will appoint a caseworker to question the parent, or whomever, and a therapist will question the child. And question. And question. And question! Usually, for at least ten weeks, the therapist will have a session every week with the child, and ask the same questions over and over and over.

There's a guy at Princeton University who did some interesting research. He simulated the child abuse investigation process by having therapists question children, using the same techniques used in actual child abuse investigations. Except, the questions had nothing to do with abuse. They were questions about some made up story that was known to not have happened to the child. Like, "Did you ever fall down in the basement and have to go to the hospital?" This was done with children around 5 and 6 years old.

After ten weeks of being questioned using the techniques of the child abuse agency, more than half of the children came to believe that the story actually did happen to them!

What the research proves is, the standard technique the child abuse agency uses to find out if a child has been abused, actually causes children to believe they've been abused!

People are being put in prison based on this fraud! People's lives are being ruined! Families are being destroyed! Because the child abuse agency is brainwashing children into believing they've been abused!

And worst of all is what this does to the children! It has been proven by other research that the reaction of people around the child actually causes most of the psychological damage to the child, even if the child actually has been abused! I'm going to make this perfectly clear: Sending a child to a therapist will harm the child more than molesting the child!

That's why it's called the child abuse agency! It is the agency that abuses children!

Teaching corruption

The therapists who are doing all this damage: it's not that they're trying to abuse the children. They are simply doing their job the way they were taught to do it. What about the professors who taught them to do it that way? Are they trying to see how many children they can cause to be abused? Most of them, no. They were hired by their colleges because of their beliefs. They believe that their techniques are actually valid!

Now we're getting high enough up the chain that we're getting close to the problem. Why do colleges hire professors who believe theories that will cause children to be abused?

Again, it comes back to the Illuminati! The Illuminati, working through their agents, the Rockefeller Foundation, and other foundations, they corrupt the universities with their money! How they do it is this: They go to a college and tell them, "We'd like to give your college a big pile of money. All we ask is that you put Joe Blow here on your Board of Directors." And the colleges are always glad to get the money! "Sure, we'll take Joe! We need the money!"

And so Joe Blow starts to influence who gets hired, and who gets tenure. Eventually, Joe Blow has filled the college with professors who actually believe the propaganda that the Illuminati want all of us to believe!

And so all these professors are out there teaching away, filling the country with their stupidity! Having a Ph.D. is no guarantee of intelligence! Sometimes, the only thing a Ph.D. means is that a person is well versed in his stupidity! Remember, this is happening at almost all of the colleges! The Illuminati haven't just corrupted a few colleges! They've corrupted the whole academic community!

The Media

The media have been corrupted the same way. Except the TV networks and the major newspapers have been bought outright by the insiders. So, the people who own the media, put on the air and in print, people who believe everything the insiders want you to believe! The journalists sincerely give you their opinions, having no idea how they're being used by their owners!

Back to the colleges: The insiders have bought their way onto the boards of all these colleges, and have used that influence to control people's thinking for the last hundred years. Their influence can be seen even in seminaries and Bible colleges!

False Doctrine

The most obvious influence is that, over 100 years ago, it was commonly taught in the churches that young people should get as much education as possible, and get into influential professions, like law and government, so they could be a force for good. But today, most churches teach their young people that they should stay out of such fields, because "they're too corrupt, and they'll end up corrupting you!" Many churches actually cultivate a culture of ingorance!

Here's another doctrine that was planted in the churches by the Illuminati: that of the pre-Tribulation rapture! It's obvious why they would want you to believe that! If you believe that you're going to be raptured away from Earth, and not have to live under the New World Order, the kingdom of Satan, then you're not going to work very hard against it!

These doctrines were deliberately planted in the churches to make them passive, and not obey the Lord's command in Ephesians 5:11 "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." That's what we're doing here today! We're exposing them! And we've got some literature here you can take with you to help you keep on doing that. (That's the purpose of rest of the articles on this web site,

This idea of being raptured before the Tribulation was unheard of before about 1830. A man by the name of Edward Irving is the one who made the doctrine of pre-Tribulation rapture well known.

Inconsistent interpretation

There's a big contradiction in the argument for the pre-Trib doctrine: People who preach pre-Trib say that chapters 2 & 3 of Revelation refer to 7 periods of church history. They teach that each of those 7 letters to the 7 churches describes the church in general in 7 periods of history. The last 2 of those letters seem to fit the description. The 6th letter, to the church at Philadelphia (that's the ancient Philadelphia, which is now in Turkey) the 6th letter describes the generation of the 1800s, who preached holiness. The 7th letter, to the church at Laodicea, pretty well describes the lukewarm generation we have today.

But then the doctrine suddenly changes interpretation! They take Verse 10 from the letter to Philadelphia, and apply it to today's generation! You can't have it both ways! You've got to be consistent when you interpret the Bible! Chapter 3, Verse 10 is in the letter to Philadelphia! It applies to the generation of the 1800s! It reads,"Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth."

It is a prophecy of scripture, and it has already been fulfilled! God has already done that! Isaiah 57:1 reads, "The righteous perish, and no one ponders it in his heart; devout men are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil." God has already kept the Philadelphia generation out of the hour of trial! That generation has passed away. Revelation 3:10 does not apply to the church of today!

True doctrine

Here's what the Bible says about today's generation: Revelation 12:11 says "They (referring to the faithful few) overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony; ..." and here's the part that most people leave out when they quote this verse: "... they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death." People don't want to face up to that part! Revelation 13:10 "This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints." Revelation 14:12 "This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God's commandments and remain faithful to Jesus."

Folks, God has never been into cheap escapism! God has always required patient endurance! Acts 14:22 says, "We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God."

The Militia

We have to endure many hardships, and we have to carry out our duties.

In the Old Testament, when God established the nation of Israel, he carried out his will through his people, by having them serve him in the form of a militia! In Numbers chapter 1, God told Moses to take a census, to count the number of men twenty years old and up who are able to go to war.

Being a soldier is not something a few men are supposed to do full time! Being a soldier is something that all the men are supposed to do part time! Our country followed that example for its first 150 years. Only since World War II have we maintained a large force.

Chairman Mao said something very interesting: He said, "Government is what comes out the barrel of a gun."

Obviously, it follows that, if you want to have government "of the people, by the people, and for the people," then you've got to have guns, "of the people, by the people, and for the people!"

Luke 22:36 Jesus said to his disciples, "... if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." Jesus commanded his disciples, at certain times, to be armed! Even if you have to sell your coat to buy your weapon! That's how important the Lord says it is!

Back in the days when our country was following the Bible, our government said the same thing! The Militia Act of 1792 defined the militia as being composed basically of all citizens, and required every citizen to own a gun and ammunition! As far as I know, that law has never been repealed. If so, then we today are still required to have our own firearms!

(A couple of years after writing this article, I read where the Dick Act of 1906 repealed the Militia Act. But still, the true meaning of the Second Amendment is made clear by the Militia Act, enacted by many of the same legislators who gave us our Constitution. The Militia is the people, not the states' National Guard!)

Many state constitutions also recognize the right of the people to bear arms. For example, here's what the constitution of Virginia, ratified in 1776, says: " ... a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defence of a free State."

Our founding fathers did not invent the idea of a militia! They got their example from the Bible! When God established the nation of Israel, he ordained that they be defended by a militia! And in 1 Samuel chapter 8, verses 11, 12, & 18, God specifically condemned the practice of having a standing army!

Standing armies

Some people might object, saying, "But today, we have all these other countries that have weapons that can reach us in a few hours, and wipe out our cities! If they launch an attack against us, there won't be any time to raise an army!"

Yes, that is true. And that situation was artificially created by the Illuminati, through their corruption of existing governments, and establishing their own corrupt governments around the world!

The correct response to today's situation is already in the Constitution! Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 12 and 13, state that Congress is to maintain a navy, but that any army is to be supported for only two years at a time! That is, our defense dollars should be directed toward keeping out invaders, not toward forces that could be used for oppressing our own people!

Abuse of standing armies

Our defense budget should emphasize ground-to-air and air-to-air. Anything that goes air-to-ground can be abused, like it was at Waco. We all saw on television the official government story of what happened. But what they did not tell you was the fact that it was the government helicopters that started the shooting, when the ATF went to massacre those people in their own home!

We all heard the official government story that the Davidians set the fire and committed suicide. What the TV networks did not tell you was that the actual videotape of the Waco massacre clearly shows the flamethrower on the tank! Copies of that tape were sent by registered mail to all the TV networks! They know what really happened! They deliberately chose to keep on lying to you about it! Dan Rather lied! Janet Reno lied! Bill Clinton lied! The camera does not lie!

The Waco massacre alone proves the need of the people to have arms to defend themselves against the government! Thomas Jefferson said, "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

For the last 40 years, people have thought that someday, we citizens would have to use our guns to defend ourselves against Russian soldiers marching through our cities. But now we are finding out, the same people who established the Soviet Union have already taken over our government! It is our own government that is carrying out military assaults against our own people!

Armed citizens

For the last 20 years, the police academies have been teaching the new officers the false idea that they are "the thin blue line between civilization and chaos." That is a big lie! Our main defense against crime has never been the police! Our main defense against crime has always been armed citizens, ready to do their duty to defend their homes and families and neighborhoods! Criminals are a whole lot more afraid of armed citizens than they are of police!

99 percent of gun owners never cause any trouble with their weapons! The 1 percent that does cause trouble (and most of them only do it one time) the 1 percent that does cause trouble is no excuse for the government to violate your right to defend yourself! Honest government does not punish everyone for the sins of a tiny minority! Every individual should be held accountable for his own actions!

We are fed up with what the government is doing these days with hard core criminals, lying to us about having compassion for these monsters, and turning them loose over and over and over, using criminals as terrorists against the citizens, using them as an excuse to violate your rights by passing illegal laws infringing on your God-given right to keep and bear arms!

The cult of state

Our present government wants to have high crime rates, to use as an excuse to violate your rights! Remember how President Reagan used to talk about "the cult of state?" How government tends to act like a cult, how mob psychology in government causes people in government to disregard common sense, and to use the government to feed their lust for power by expanding government into more and more of your personal life!

The most dangerous cult of all was seen at Waco: the cult of state! There certainly was an extremely dangerous cult there at the Branch Davidian compound! It's called the ATF! That's the Bureau of Arson, Treason, and Felony! Representing the Attorney General, Jezebel Reno!

That is exactly the kind of government we have today! Just like Jezebel and Ahab! The kind of government that crushes the common people, and takes whatever it wants by lying and by force, just like Jezebel and Ahab did in 1 Kings chapter 21! Today, our government is using unlawful force to try to take away your right to defend yourself! And once that right has been eliminated, all other rights will soon follow! (Remember, government can not give rights or take them away; it can only recognize them or violate them!)

A few years ago, a representative of the ATF was testifying before Congress. He admitted under oath that 75 percent of the cases the ATF prosecutes are people who had no intent of breaking the law. Three out of every four cases are simply people who were enticed by ATF agents into technical violations!

"Go armed before the Lord"

The Word of God says this: in Numbers chapter 32, verse 20 "Moses said to them, 'If you will do this, if you will arm yourselves before the Lord for battle, if all of you will go armed over the Jordan before the Lord until he has driven his enemies out before him, then when the land is subdued before the Lord, you may return and be free ...' " Verse 23 says, "But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the Lord; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out."

The word of God is absolutely clear: there are times when it is a sin for you to not be armed! Ecclesiastes 3:8 says there is "a time for war, and a time for peace." God does not want your whole life to revolve around weapons, but there is a time for war! There are times when God commands you to take up arms and defend what is right!

Romans chapter 13 tells us that Christians are to be subject to the governing authorities. In our country, the highest authority is the Constitution. Every power is subject to it. Every agency is subject to it. Many agencies are in violation of it! Many agencies' existence is a violation of the Constitution!

We are to use lawful methods to oppose these unlawful agencies. God commands us to speak out! It doesn't make any difference whether or not government recognizes your right to free speech and a free press! If God commands you to do something, you have both the right and the duty to do it! It is your duty to obey God, regardless of what government says! (Acts 5:29) God commands us to use the freedom of speech and of the press that he gave us to warn the people of the sin of tolerating those unlawful, immoral agencies! (Ezekiel chapter 3, and chapter 33 talk about the duty of warning people about their sin.) We are to educate the people about their duty as citizens to hold the government accountable for its actions!

If the people refuse to listen, then they deserve to be oppressed by the government! But if they listen, and turn back to God, and demand through their votes that the government stop violating the Constitution, then the government has to stop!

The militia's duty

And if the government does not stop, then the militia is to rise up! The militia, the population, has the duty to use their arms to force the government to stop its unlawful activities! Let me make this absolutely clear! Any government agency that violates the Constitution is not legitimate authority! Any government agency that violates the Constitution is a criminal organization!

Some might ask: "What about the New Testament Christians? I don't see anything in the New Testament about them rising up against the abusive government they had then!" History records that, when a mob was victimizing an innocent person, Christians did intervene, by force if necessary.

What the Christians did in the first century was a reflection of what God was doing at that time: He was bringing forgiveness into the world. What the Lord is doing in the world today is, he is preparing to pour out his judgment against all the wickedness in the world! 218 years ago, God established the United States to be a witness to the whole world that he exists, and that he is a righteous God.

U.S. witness to the world

To a large extent, the United States has fulfilled that role. Today, 85% of the Christian missionaries in the world are supported by the United States. And whenever there is a famine or flood or other disaster anywhere in the world, who is it that sends in the most relief? The United States! Especially the Christians!

But our country has rotted very badly in our lifetime. Crime is up. Divorce is up. More and more children are growing up without fathers. Many are even being murdered before being born! Our country is fast becoming a witness of what happens to a country that turns its back on God! The shadow government, the Illuminati, have influenced our institutions, and led the country into sin. But the people have sinned by following those leaders!

The Antichrist

What the Illuminati are doing is, they are preparing the way for the Antichrist! They are subtly changing the minds of the people so they will accept this child of Hell! They are deceiving the people with a strong delusion, so they will actually demand that this ultimate tyrant have absolute power!

Daniel chapter 11 talks about this time. Verse 31 says, " ... they will set up the abomination that causes desolation." 2 Thessalonians 2:4 talks about this, saying, "He opposes and exalts himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, and even sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God." Back to Daniel. Verse 32 says, "With flattery he will corrupt those who have violated the covenant, but the people who know their God will firmly resist him." "... and do exploits." the King James Version goes on to say!

What kind of exploits will God have you do? He's going to have us doing things like, rescue people out of the concentration camps that are now being built in the United States! (We have literature here that tells all about that!)

The Word of God says that the Antichrist is going to rule the whole world. The Word of God also commands us to not submit to his rule! " ... the people who know their God will firmly resist him, and do exploits."

Hard times

Folks, hard times are coming! We need to prepare, both spiritually and physically. David Spangler, director of "Planetary Initiative" (a United Nations organization), has said, "No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation." Do you hear what that's saying? They're saying that anyone who refuses to worship Lucifer will have no right to exist! The time is coming very soon when we are going to be hunted like rats!

Remember Waco! That was not an isolated incident! It was a prototype! That is what the government plans to do with any church that worships God instead of government!

Folks, that's my message for today: to get ready! The devil's disciples have been working for two hundred years to prepare the world for the Antichrist. He's just about ready to appear. Are you ready for the hard times that are about to come? Both physically and spiritually. You need to be able to be independent, to not be dependent on the world economy. You need to sell off your luxuries, pay off your debts, and make sure that you own outright everything that you're going to need.

But don't put all your trust in worldly goods. Put your trust in God. He fed the nation of Israel with manna for forty years. He did it before, and he can do it again. The most important thing is, get right with God!

George Washington's vision

So, where are we headed? In 1777, in the cold winter at Valley Forge, George Washington had a vision that prophesied the future of the United States. It has been recorded by several historians. We have leaflets here today you can take with you that tell about this vision in detail.

Basically, the vision describes three great perils that will come against the United States. The first two have already happened, just as it was shown to George Washington. They are the War for Independence, and the Civil War. Except for 1812, those were the only two wars we have been in that were fought on our own land.

In the third peril, Washington described thick, black clouds rising from Europe, Asia, and Africa. The three clouds joined into one, and gave off a dark red light by which he saw hordes of armed men coming to America. He saw these vast armies devastate the whole country and burn up the towns, villages, and cities, from coast to coast.

Then the angel blew his trumpet and, "Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above me ... At the same moment the angel ... who bore our national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks and renewed the battle."

Then the angel, "dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious!" Then the angel, "cried with a loud voice: 'While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last.' "

Then the scene faded and dissolved, and another angel said to Washington, "Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful is the third, but in this greatest conflict the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and the Union."

There's the key: "Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and the Union." In that order.

The Illuminati and their servants have eroded America and led our people into sin. But the people have sinned by following those wicked leaders! Because of that sin, all our cities and towns and villages are going to be burned up! Those of us who survive will be living in holes in the ground! That's what it's going to take to lead most people to repentance! Or at least those that didn't die in the destruction!

In the end, we will be victorious, but that will happen only when The Lord Himself comes with His help!

Folks, hard times are coming! Hard times like the world has never seen! You need to get ready! You need to prepare physically, but what's more important, you need to get ready spiritually!

Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and the Union!

God bless every one of you. If the city lasts long enough to have another Independence Day, I'll be glad to see all of you here again next year!

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