Here's a pamphlet I wrote in March 1998 to pass out on April 15 to people waiting in line at the post office to turn in their tax returns.

When you pass out flyers, many people ask, "What's it about?" For this flyer, I recommend the reply, "What the government is doing to us!"


Polls have been consistently telling us that people think the country is doing well, that Bill Clinton is doing a good job, that the economy is just fine, that everything is going to be just fine. The government says we have full employment, and that the government will have a balanced budget for the first time in thirty years.

Are these things true? Is everything really going well? And do the people actually think that things are great? Or is the government lying? Are the pollsters and the TV networks lying? Let's take a look:

The government says we have full employment. Try telling that to an unemployed person! Try telling that to someone who got laid off from a $15/hour job, and is now trying to survive on a $5/hour job! Factory after factory is closing its doors and moving to Mexico. The "giant sucking sound" is deafening! But the government and the TV networks won't let you know about that! One year after NAFTA, (which was rammed down our throats, even though the American people opposed it 2 to 1) the government told us that we have a greatly increased balance of trade with Mexico. "We're exporting far more to Mexico than we're importing! NAFTA is a great success! It's a great boon to our economy!" The fact is, the government counted as exports all the factories that closed up and moved to Mexico! Over half a million Americans lost their jobs to NAFTA in just the first year alone!

The government says we have full employment. What they don't tell you is that personal bankruptcies and business bankruptcies are both running at all time highs! Double what they had ever been just a few years ago! The government says we have full employment. They don't tell you how many of those people are getting far less income, after being "downsized" from good paying jobs! The government says we have more jobs now than we've ever had. What they don't tell you is how many people have to work two or three jobs, just trying to survive!

The government and the TV networks tell us that the economy is doing great! That we have economic growth, without inflation. What they don't tell us is that we have lost many hundreds of thousands of jobs to NAFTA, and that the currency is in fact wildly overinflated! The effects of these two things are being MASKED by the big money men!

Manufacturing jobs (the backbone of the economy) are being exported, leaving Americans with lower paying service sector jobs (retaling, fast food, etc.) The effects of this are being masked by the inflation of our currency, which itself is being masked by the stock market.

Currency is created by the Federal Reserve Banks (privately owned). They pay the U.S. Mint to print up Federal Reserve Notes (fraudulently called "dollars") which they buy for the cost of printing, and LOAN them into circulation! A Federal Reserve Note is a bank note; a check. Since they have a small amount of gold and silver to back up these checks compared to the enormous volume of these checks they keep printing, these checks are actually worthless! A Federal Reserve Note is nothing but a BAD CHECK! LOANED into circulation!

The Federal Reserve Banks loan these notes to the commercial banks at the "discount rate" published in the newspaper. The commercial banks then loan these notes to their favorite customers at the "prime rate" published in the newspaper, and to the rest of us at even higher rates. Every time a commercial bank loans a "dollar" into circulation, the borrower has to post collateral. The commercial bank, in turn, transfers OUR PROPERTY as collateral to the Federal Reserve Banks! THAT IS HOW THE OWNERSHIP OF ALL OUR PROPERTY IS BEING TRANSFERRED TO THE BIG MONEY MEN WHO OWN THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS!

The economy SEEMS to be doing well because the banks are continuing to loan more and more money into circulation. They're loaning out enough to make up for the drain on our economy by people buying imports, plus enough to inflate the stock market with the biggest speculative bubble in history! We SEEM to have low inflation, but in fact have VERY HIGH inflation! But this time, it's all going overseas, and into the stock market!

The stock market is now the most overinflated it's ever been in history! Both main measures, price to earnings ratio, and price to assets ratio are far above what they've ever been in history! Including 1929! (Price to earnings: the price of a share of stock compared to the earnings of the percentage of the company that you own with that share of stock) (Price to assets: the price of a share of stock compared to the value of the assets of the percentage of the company that you own with that share of stock) The average price to assets ratio in today's stock market is over four to one! That means, if you bought all the stock of an average company at its current market value (thus, buying the entire company), you'd pay over four times the value of the company!

Obviously, this is a perfect recipe for a crash! And, in fact, the market DID crash in October 1997! But the big money men rushed in within hours buying up falling stocks (with their infinite supply of federal reserve notes) to prop up their value!

THIS CANNOT CONTINUE FOREVER! Sooner or later, all these Federal Reserve Notes that are being poured into the stock market, the American economy, and the world economy, are going to be so plentiful that none of them will have any value! That is exactly what happened in Germany in the 1920s! The Treaty of Versailles after World War I imposed heavy reparation debts on Germany. So Germany did the only thing they could do: they printed up billions of German marks. They became so plentiful, it took a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread!

The same thing is bound to happen with U. S. "dollars." Currency speculators around the world buy and sell large amounts of currencies of different countries, hoping to profit by the fluctuations of their relative values. Sooner or later, they will realize that U. S. "dollars" have become far too plentiful, and they'll dump all the "dollars" they own onto the market. All the inflation that's been piling up for the last several years, that has been masked by the stock market and by the trade deficit, will come upon us ALL AT ONCE!

Remember, every time these Federal Reserve Notes are loaned into circulation, collateral must be posted. Sooner or later, there will be no property left to be posted as collateral! This continual propping up of the economy, this inflation of the currency, will have to end! The "good times" we're having now are only a TEMPORARY effect of continually pouring new Federal Reserve Notes into the economy. This cannot continue forever! One way or another, THE GOOD TIMES HAVE TO END!

This is all the result of the violation of God's law! Leviticus 25: 36-37 and Deuteronomy 23: 19-20 both forbid usury. Federal Reserve Notes are a DOUBLE violation of God's law! These worthless pieces of paper, these bad checks, are both LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING, and USURY!

The big money men were able to pull this over on us because the churches have become FRIVOLOUS and IRRELEVANT! The churches are no longer the salt of the earth that they were in the day of America's founding fathers! Today's churches are so sickeningly sweet and syrupy and sugary, that they have rotted to the core! Just as anything with too much sugar does, today's churches have become SPOILED and ROTTEN! Today's church doesn't have enough saltiness to preserve ITSELF! Much less be the preservative of SOCIETY ("salt of the earth") that God commanded it to be!

By proclaiming God's law, by exposing evil, sound churches would have prevented the coming destruction of our society! Churches need to clearly teach God's commands on private AND public behavior! Churches that preach a "purely personal gospel" need to be reminded that over 80% of the Bible discusses affairs of state!

GOD'S WRATH IS COMING FOR GOOD REASON! Swindlers have taken control of society! And the rest of the people, instead of opposing them, or even criticizing them, have sold out to them! Most of the people are taking the easy path of "going with the flow." Most people seem to think, "If I don't make waves, everything will be okay." Not so! Ezekiel chapter 9 teaches that, STARTING AT THE HOUSE OF GOD (verse 6) everyone who does not "sigh and groan over all the abominations which are being committed (verse 4) SHALL BE SLAIN! Chapters 3 and 33 make it clear that anyone who is not warning others of their sin are guilty of the death of those they should have warned!

As we have seen from the above economic analysis, DESTRUCTION CANNOT BE AVOIDED! What do you think people will do when they can't buy food? OUR SOCIETY WILL BECOME UTTER CHAOS! That is the result of people ignoring God's law for the last hundred years!

1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 reads, "For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. While they are saying, 'Peace and safety!' (Just like most people are doing today!) then destruction will come upon them suddenly like birth pangs upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."

"IS EVERYTHING REALLY OK?" Absolutely not! You need to get serious about God! Because you're going to be meeting him a lot sooner than you think!

(Written March 1998)

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