This section of about my thoughts and comments on current political issues. I have written some about Bill Clinton's Sex Scandal, Korean History, Kosovo Crisis, and so on. However, some of them are only available in Korean. I am sorry for that.
Whenever I get some thoughts on current issue, I will post them.
Enjoy it!

Clinton Sex Scandal

What's Wrong with Kosovo Crisis?

The US present, Bill Clinton's extramerital affairs causes more serious moral problems than we think. He is different from celebrity figures who may claim privacy in their sex life. The case should have not been treated as one of those gossips of Hollywood.(Korean version only)

How to deal with Kosovo crisis. The resons why the strongest military force, NATO, cannot deal with it. The problem is not with the strength of force but with the way how it has been dealt, that is, the legitimacy of NATO operation. The US can be a "globocop" but it cannot be a judge at the same time. Cops do not judge what is right or wrong. Their job is "law enforcement." When we consider that the proiciple of Checks and balances is one of the basic rules of the democracy, it seems claer why NATO has not been successful and causes more problems.

Korea in World History

Korea has been suffered from the invasions of surrounding powers for thousnads of years. Korean young students have been taught to deplore and shame on their ancestors weakness in terms of power. Now, are Koreans facing with a new phase of terning into more power nation in history? Do they grab the chances or lose them? (Korean version)

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