The Honorable William J. Clinton
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC  20500

Dear Mr. President:

I want to join with ex-President Carter, the 11 Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, all the religious and political leaders, and the 80,000 concerned citizens in requesting that you grant unconditional amnesty to the Puerto Rican Political Prisoners who have been imprisoned between 15 and 18 years for fighting for independence for Puerto Rico.

They have been punished disproportionately for the violations for which they were convicted.  Their excessive sentences of 35, 55, 60, 75, 90 years and life imprisonment, and the length of time they have served is disproportionate when compared with both the average sentencing and the average time served by people convicted   of murder, armed robbery, rape and kidnapping, and any other federal offense.   None of these prisoners were convicted for causing personal injury.  They were all first time offenders.  Others convicted of serious crimes are being released while parole is denied to the PRPP leaving them to serve virtually life sentences.

The Puerto Rican Status Bill, (H.R. 856), proposing to end colonialism and to decide Puerto Rico's future status will be a mockery unless you release those who are imprisoned for fighting to end colonialism, the Puerto Rican Political Prisoners.

Please stop this hypocrisy and travesty of justice from continuing by releasing the Puerto Rican Political Prisoners immediately!


Date:                                                           Signed: 

Print Name: 
cc:    Attorney General Janet Reno
         Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder Jr.
         US Justice Department
         Constitution Ave. & 10th St. NW
         Washington DC   20530