x X x . Anarchy . x X x


First, a note on how wrong the Anarchist Cookbook is. If you have that book or are considering buying it - don't.

Do us all a favor and get this through your head first. Anarchy is about very limited, not necessarily no government whatsoever. When anarchy is usually said, they mean chaos, open violence and disruption. That couldn't be further than the truth. We need to give the control to the people, not some bigot politician who thinks they know what's right on issues they've probably never had problems with in their lives. Tell me, how many times do you think people like Al Gore has had problems with unemployment? How many times has he had to deal with class war? He's an upper-class heterosexual white male. Oh t? Most of our "represenatives" in the government were never working class, which is 75% of the population. And they certainly don't have to deal with it now. To stay in the ruling class, they need to keep us below them and uninformed. More about this in Class War. Government simply needs to enormously decrease in order to let us retain what little freedom we have left.

Proudhon Quote

x X x. Anarchist Resources . x X x

Anarchism by Daniel Guerin
The Anarchist FAQ
AK Press The best catalog for any punk, anarchist, free thinker. A MUST. And not overly expensive either.
Anarchy Chat Get in touch. It's an australian site, might be a little slow.
Anarchist Archives Info on famous anarchists such as Proudhon, Goldman, etc. Also some anarchy history.
How to organize a local anarchy group
DIRECT ACTION By Voltairine de Cleyre
Practical Anarchism - What it is A must. Beliefs and Ideas are worthless unless put into action.
The Anarchy Mailing List
Emma GoldmanEmma Goldman (1869-1940) stands as a major figure in the history of American radicalism and feminism. An influential and well-known anarchist of her day....
Noam Chomsky Archive
The Seed UK Anarchist Info.
Spunk Press Sort of like AK Press except I've never tried it.