What exactly is capitalism? When you hear "capital", you think of profit, gain, assets, and money. Which class in any society has the most profits, gain, assets and money? The Ruling Class, 7% of the population. Coincedentally the same people who make the laws and "run this country." Capitalism is defined as:
An economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determinded by private decision rather than by state control, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are dterminded mainly by competition in a free market. (Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary)
Capitalism is a "fend for yourself" system. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Monolithical corporations like Microsoft(!) and Time-Warner (who own basically own the entertainment business) choke possibility of a small business from gaining economic power or status. Who can compete with Microsoft now? Even if someone did come up with something, they have scores of engineers and developers to come back with their version; plus the loads of money it takes to out-advertize them.
Capitalism was supposed to give the people power to get wealthy, instead of the state governing most of it and making it equal. How can the Working Class (75% of the population) possibly get ahead? Let's look at Little Suzie. Little Suzie grew up with her parents having an income of $20,000 dollars. Little Suzie goes through school getting mostly B's. Little Suzie isn't a genius and doesn't have hours on end to study and make A's. Little Suzie has to worry about the gangs in her neighborhood, and where the next meal is coming from. Little Suzie manages to get a relatively small scholarship and can't afford to go to college. Little Suzie gets finally gets a job after school and joins the working class. The cycle continues. It's really hard to move up in this society, it takes generations to do that work.
How are people like Little Suzie going to get medical attention if Little Suzie gets mugged and her unborn child from rape [because little Suzie isn't allowed by the government to get an abortion, and it costs too much, the baby has to suffer too] has a miscarrige and it dies? Capitalism provides no health care to the people. That's where the socialist part comes in.
In the end, Capitalism encourages and supports greed, vicious competition, class struggle, predjudicism, poverty, and selfishness. There's no way I can begin to explain and point out all it's faults. Hopefully, this is a startling enough start. Now, go follow your leader.