Anthea's Page
This is the story of an Australian Odyssey through the Pacific Northwest (Canada and the US) in March-April 1997.
The pictures are below the text of each chapter, so provided you read slowly, they should be loaded on by the time you reach them.


This is me Me. ant_n_ski_1966.gif (9185 bytes)
New Picture! Anthea's first choice of ski!
Think snowboarding you young fool!

Click pic for bigger version...


The Odyssey
The great saga unfolding on rec.skiing.alpine and aus.snow...

Will be updating the pikkies (Oz for pictures) weekly to illustrate.

Part 1: Australia to Vancouver to Penticton

Part 2: Big White

Part 3: Me and Two Buddha Go to Idaho.

Part 4: Me and Two Buddha Go to Montana & Fernie.
Be sure to check out Scott's Montana Marriage Licence

Part 5: Panorama to Calgary

Part 6: Kananaskis to Banff <- Featuring new pics!

Part 7: Ski Seattle!

Part 8: Whistler and then HOME

*Click here for the Utah Invasion 1998 story (My next ski story)

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