Ayrton Said ....
Here you can read some of the most significant words said by Ayrton .
Most of them are a sort of principles and a good example of Senna's philosophy of life.
I've choosen the ones I love more, in italian, english or brasilian.
- "In many ways we are a dream for people, not a reality. That counts in your mind. It shows how much you can touch people,
and as much as you can try to give those people somehow it is nothing compared to what they live in their own mind, in their
dreams, for you. And that is something really special, something really, really special for me."
- "If I ever happen to have an accident that eventually costs me my life, I hope it is in one go. I would not like to be in a
wheelchair. I would not like to be in a hospital suffering from whatever injury it was. If I am going to live, I want to live fully.
Very intensely, because I am an intense person. It would ruin my life if I had to live partially".
- "People in the outside world don't know me and make assumptions, wrong assumptions."
- "I am able to experience God's presence on earth. If I go to church I go on my own and I like to be there alone. I find more
peace that way".
- "If I am obsessive it is in a positive way. I have a strong natural push but it is not unhealthy, not a disease."
- "We're all on the limit, the car is on the limit, the human being is on the limit,...
That's what it's all about motor racing, that's what it's all about Formula 1. "
- "Molti dicono che sono un pilota difficile.Un compagno di squadra scomodo. Ma quello che conta e' avere rispetto per chi lavora,solo cosi' si puo' mantenere un buon rapporto umano e professionale.
Quando non c'e' rispetto allora e' finita"
- "La mancanza delle persone a cui sono legato e la distanza che mi separa da loro sono le due cose che piu' hanno caratterizzato la mia carriera.
La solitudine e' un fatto acquisito, una situazione con cui ho imparato a convivere.
Quando si e' sempre sotto pressione come lo sono io, si sente il bisogno di tornare a respirare l'aria di casa, di incontrare i vecchi amici, di tornare ad essere Ayrton Senna e non piu' il campione del mondo.
per me la solitudine e' diventata uno stile di vita, uno stato psicologico.E' una scelta che ho fatto ma non e' un bene".
- "Se una persona non ha piu' sogni, non ha piu' alcuna ragione di vivere. Sognare e' necessario, anche se nel sogno va intravista la realta'. per me e' uno dei principi della vita".
- "Da sempre il mio piu' grande desiderio e' di andare piu' veloce di tutti, anche del tempo".
- "My determination, my dedication, and the desire I have to be number one.that is my strenght. I have the desire to go faster, to do it better. If I am become number one it means that I'm better than anyone else,
therefore if I go even better it should mean I'm able to stay number one.
i know how hard it is to become number one and now I know how hard it is to stay number one".
Ayrton Senna Da Silva
You can reach me by e-mail at: mc3926@mclink.it
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This page was last modified on 13 Feb, 1996
Copyright © 1996 Giulia Mei