2001 Boston-Montreal-Boston

Preliminary Results - August 20, 2001

The results posted below have not been verified yet. Please let us know if you believe any of the results to be inaccurate.


First Name  Last Name             Result             Age  Residence              Nationality
==========  ============ ========================== ====  =====================  ===========
Jay         Ambroson               75:30             43   Syosset, NY                 US
Bernie      Amero                  83:03             38   Gloucester, MA              US
Ozzie       Ayscue                 86:44             39   San Francisco, CA           US
Luigi       Barisone                DNS              31   Montecastello, ITALY      Italy
Denis       Beaudry        DNF - Ludlow - North      46   Reading, MA                 US
Dario       Beltrambini            75:30             53   Santarcangelo, ITALY      Italy
Yves        Bernard                82:30             52   Bellegarde, FRANCE        France
Michael     Bingle                 66:35             45   Vancouver, WA               US
James       Black                  81:26             45   Chemung, NY                 US
Nancy       Black       DNF - Rouses Point - North   43   Hastings, MI                US
Chris       Block                  64:23             41   Dover, MA                   US
Timothy     Bol                    86:01             26   Winter Park, FL             US
Ken         Bonner                 66:18             58   Victoria, BC              Canada
Catherine   Brunet                 82:30             50   Barberaz, FRANCE          France
Jean Pierre Brunet                 82:30             52   Barberaz, FRANCE          France
Tom         Buckley                54:20             46   Keokuk, IA                  US
Lisa        Butkus                 86:01             41   Winter Park, FL             US
Pat         Carter         DNF - Ludlow - North      53   Far Rockaway, NY            US
David       Cohen                  84:44             28   Philadephia, PA             US
Phil        Creel                  86:01             46   Columbia, SC                US
Mike        DeLong         DNF - Ludlow - North      51   Dunwoody, GA                US
Bill        Dix                    86:01             49   Gaylordsville, CT           US
Larry       Ehlers         DNF - Ludlow - North      48   Overland Park, KS           US
John        Evans                  83:07             53   Farnham, ENGLAND         England
Ray         Fortman                82:37             50   Schenectady, NY             US
Georges     Francois               83:50             54   Kain, BELGIUM            Belgium
Keith       Fraser                 54:20             42   Vancouver, BC             Canada
Dan         Fuoco                  61:44             48   Boca Raton, FL              US
Chris       Grealish               60:57             38   Boulder, CO                 US
Mikael      Henriksson  DNF - Rouses Point - North   37   Hastings, MI                US
Hubertus    Hohl                   57:44             37   Haar, GERMANY            Germany
Vytas       Janusauskas            81:26             45   Nepean, ON                Canada
Byran       Johnson                61:15             36   No Easton, MA               US
Phoebe      Johnson                84:44             35   Beverly, MA                 US
Jerry       Khorll                 74:24             57   Chesterfield, MO            US
Michael     Koth                   86:04             39   Viersen, GERMANY         Germany
Ed          Kross                  56:02             42   Framingham, MA              US
John        Lake                   71:57             35   Evanston, IL                US
Barry       Lamkin      DNF - Rouses Point - South   52   Norwell, MA                 US
Theodore    Lapinski               56:43             28   Montague, MA                US
Michael     Lau                    54:20             39   Ottawa, ON                Canada
John        LePage                 81:33             47   Rehoboth, MA                US
Silas       Little                 64:10             55   Temple, NH                  US
Russ        Loomis                 82:37             49   Williamsburg, MA            US
Melinda     Lyon                   56:43             38   Boxford, MA                 US
Kevin       Main                   83:03             47   San Luis Obispo, CA         US
Charlie     Martin                 87:18             62   Berea, OH                   US
David       McCaw                  70:40             44   Ottawa, ON                Canada
Mary Lynn   Monge                  87:18             46   Columbus, OH                US
James       Mott-Smith             76:16             41   Arlington , MA              US
Kevin       Nelson                 72:40                  Dedham, MA                  US
Peter       Noris                  87:42             50   Miami, FL                   US
Kent        Peterson               70:54             42   Issaquah, WA                US
Gregory     Phipps         DNF - Ludlow - North      38   Bedford, NS               Canada
Chris       Pile                   58:57             30   Norwalk, CT                 US
Susan       Plonsky                86:25             48   Williamsburg, MA            US
Marc        Pritchard              67:32             46   Cattaraugus, NY             US
Jeff        Radan                  62:18             41   Rockville, MD               US
Gary        Reisfield              65:32             42   Orange Park, FL             US
Foster      Renwick                86:04             41   Minneapolis, MN             US
John        Riesenberg             75:30             52   Stoddard, NH                US
Dan         Rupar                  60:57                  Wausau, WI                  US
Bill        Schwarz                64:10             56   Kinderhook, NY              US
Mark        Sheehan                81:26             53   Elmira, NY                  US
Jim         Solanick               61:54             52   Lake Worth, FL              US
Andrew      Southworth             70:40             36   Oswaldtwistle, ENGLAND   England
Mel         Stoler                 83:03             45   Brookline, MA               US
David       Strong      DNF - Rouses Point - South   31   Bolinas, CA                 US
Alexis      Tchoumak               83:26             36   Waldorf, MD                 US
Adrian      Top                    76:16             59   Overijse, BELGIUM        Belgium
Jim         Trout                  63:34             31   Seattle, WA                 US
David       Twedt          DNF - Ludlow - North      52   Benwood, WV                 US
Michael     VanRandwyk             85:43             38   No Grafton, MA              US
Elizabeth   Wicks                   DNS              57   Newton, MA                  US
Brian       Wiedle                 85:43             36   Acton, MA                   US
Ray         Williams               85:39             51   Riverside, CA               US
Eris        Zama                   65:48             50   Cesena, ITALY             Italy
Sybren      Zandstra               70:54             58   Ostermeer, NETHERLANDS Netherlands

RAAM Qualifier

All three riders appear to have successfully completed Boston-Montreal-Boston in 65 hours or less, thus qualifying for the Race Across AMerica (RAAM).

First Name  Last Name             Result             Age  Residence              Nationality
==========  ============ ========================== ====  =====================  ===========

Werner      Haertl                 62:23             31   Graz, AUSTRIA            Austria
Christopher Morris                 61:15             32   Hammersmith, ENGLAND     England
Kari        Salomaa                60:15 *           23   Somerville, AL           Finland

* Includes 1 hour penalty due to failure to complete bicycle inspection.


Times shown are for the full 1200K, Boston-Montreal-Boston. Times will be updated to reflect the actual 1000k (Boston-Montreal-Brattleboro).

First Name  Last Name             Result             Age  Residence              Nationality
==========  ============ ========================== ====  =====================  ===========

David       Buzzee      DNF - Rouses Point - North   59   Urbana, OH                  US
Jim         Wilson                 83:24             54   Gainesville, FL             US

Quad Centuries

First Name  Last Name             Result             Age  Residence              Nationality
==========  ============ ========================== ====  =====================  ===========

Matt        Boliver              Finished            38   Middletown, RI              US
Stephen     Bowman               Finished            50   Ithaca, NY                  US
Daniel      Bukkhegyi            Finished            34   So Hamilton , MA            US
Richard     Bunt                 Finished            33   Middlebury, VT              US
Blaine      Chamberlain          Finished            52   Montour Falls, NY           US
Nick        Dobey                Finished            60   Walhalla, SC                US
Holly       Elmore               Finished            41   Atlanta, GA                 US
Leonard     Fieber               Finished            44   Tucson, AZ                  US
Turbo       Flores               Finished            14   Indianapolis, IN            US
Mark        Friedman                DNS              47   Wayland, MA                 US
Jesse       Gibson       DNF - Middlebury - North    38   Midland, NC                 US
Jack        Jennings             Finished            61   Leanersville, NC            US
French      Lewis                Finished            30   Middletown, CT              US
Paul        Liu                  Finished            31   Cambridge, MA               US
Deborah     Luhrs          DNF - Ludlow - North      48   Middletown, RI              US
Philip      Pile                 Finished            54   E Patchogue, NY             US
Anong       Pustow               Finished            38   Louisville, KY              US
Bill        Pustow               Finished            53   Louisville, KY              US
Joseph      Reardon              Finished            50   Cranston, RI                US
David       Roderick             Finished            42   Lancaster, OH               US
Claire      Salmond              Finished            32   Clemmont, NC                US
John        Shea                 Finished            53   Mastic Beach, NY            US
Robin       Shea                 Finished            43   Mastic Beach, NY            US
Don         Silas                Finished            52   Indianapolis, IN            US
Jim         Williams             Finished            32   Clemmons, NC                US
Cheryl      Young                Finished            32   Cambridge, MA               US

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