Orslevkloster IF-Sjorring, August 7, 1998

A fantastic 4-3 victory!

The facts
Orslevkloster IF - Sjorring 4-3 (1-1)

1-1 Cantona (pen)
2-1 Bugno
3-1 Cantona
4-1 Offer

Klosterman of the match: Henning "HH" Hansen

Even without playing very well, the Kloster team showed why they are in the top of the league. After a very poor 1 half, the position was 1-1. A good fighting Sjorring team took the lead after 20 minutes, but 4 minutes before the break, Cantona scored on a penalty.
With fast and impressive press-play, Kloster showed that they indeed can play football in the first 20 minutes of the 2nd half. After 3 very good goals Kloster was 4-1 up - but as it normally is: the match always get exciting when Kloster is the half-part in it. Giggs and Iommy was sent off with yeallow cards and Kloster was under hard pressure. Sjorring scored two goals, but a fantastic playing Keeper Henning "HH" Hansen, Kloster won the game.
The 2nd team plays monday

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