Surfer Girl's Beach

****UPDATED****Hi!This is the place where you will find out more about Surfing in Panama and Maine where I live right now in the Sanford/Springvale area. My name is Geneva. My friends call me Surfer Girl or Surfrbelle. I'm a mom, martial artist, cosmetologist, model sometimes, even actress sometimes(see the trailer of an upcoming indie movie I was on below), sometimes a surfer. Don't just stop at this first page, there are many MORE sections, including my SURFING page, etc just scroll down to find the links to those sections within here so take your time. If you made it here, you might as well click on all the sections. If you're a perv you're wasting your time, no one is stripping here so might as well go away!

Bob and I

Bob and I.


Photoshoot with Mike Jones.

Yeah you stalker, quit checking on me!

Are you curious about me? then go to my ABOUT GENEVA page and what I've been going through and how BOB AND I MET ***UPDATED AGAIN WITH A COPY OF MY BLOG SPEAKING OUT ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN BOB AND I, TAKING A STAND ABOUT WHAT WAS DONE TO ME AND WHAT HE DID TO ME! If you want to know WHO I AM as well as some of my thoughts and what I've been going through since my life changed forever. You will get a better idea once you've read that page. Visit My TAEKWONDO page***UPDATED WITH MY MARTIAL ARTIST'S PROFILE AND PHOTOS!!!

I loved ROBERT (BOB) McGRATH in the deepest and most sincere way like I had never loved anyone before and I meant everything I said to him and the promises I made to him; he was the love of my life...the way we came into each others' lives through a series of fateful events that were no mere coincidence told us that it was meant to be. Our story is truly beautiful and everybody that knows it got goosebumps when they heard how we met first the grocery store in Sanford and how we found each other. There were many signs...someone up above has kept trying to tell us something and we both believed that we were together in another lifetime and we just found each other again.

Evil deeds have gotten in our way and he chose to let them get in the way. He hurt me like no one else had ever hurt me before and it's hard to understand how could he look into my eyes and tell me that he loved me and that I was the love of his life and that I would be his wife only to abandon me at my fate while I was going through losing our baby, a nervous breakdown because of all the stress caused to us and even by him, by losing him and his daughter whom I love as if she was my's hard to believe that he loved me when only within days of discarding me as if I was something disposable, he was already on the prowl, looking for women online -which is truly pathetic, to have to pay 14 bucks a month to sleep around- and he wanted me to believe that what we had was real? Not only did I have to go through the pain of losing so much but then, endure his campaign to destroy me even more as if abandoning me, leaving me when I needed him the most, leaving me hurt, confused, ravaged inside was not enough, he had to go on to destroy me even more, to try to humiliate me and resort to cowardly and low means to try and hide his wrong-doings.

Someday he will regret it if he develops a conscience. I didn't deserve any of this and while I've had to suffer and have spent countless days and nights crying, grieving and feeling pain like I've never felt before, he's been implacable in his quest to hurt me even more. The Bob I fell in love with was perhaps someone he fabricated. He was a predator and I was his prey. How can I not feel that way after all he's put me through and his behavior? acting like he's going through some mid-life crisis sleeping around with women he hooks up with in those pathetic and ridiculous online dating sites. How could he do that after saying no other woman would ever touch him because I was the love of his life? I paid such a high price for loving him, trusting him and putting my life in his hands...and for that, I'm marked forever and a part of me was lost, that I know I will never recover no matter what. I will never forget all this nor the fact that I had to lose so much and the grief has been a part of me ever since the moment it hit me, that I had lost our baby...and that I lost a child I also loved as my own and I will never get to see grow up, will never be able to teach more things to and give all my maternal love to...I miss Emily every day of my life. Shame on him for taking so many things from me. Someday, Karma will set in...

Those who base their happiness on the pain and suffering of others need to remember that it could happen to you too and you will remember what you've done.

Bob and I

Bob and I.

You can visit MY MODELING PAGE where you will see shots done by EJ, Gennadi Balitski, Mike Jones and Tom Couture.

There were some issues with MY DIARY at Bravenet but they have been resolved and it's working fine now, I know there were some access issues but it's all ok now. I write there pretty much every day and it reflects what goes on with me and there has been plenty lately and more is reflected there than here. There is an archives' section where you will be able to see older diary entries. I also took a stand and spoke out about what was done to me and the terrible nightmare I've had to deal with as well as my grief which is still very much a part of my life for losing Bob's and my baby. A miscarriage is such a painful and terrible thing to deal with. It's devastating.

Strawberry & Champagne

Drinking Champagne.

MY MODELING PORTFOLIO by Les Walker, a well known photographer in the surfing industry. I have a Myspace profile that I update more than this page quite frankly but I don't add just anyone. I use it to keep in touch with my friends who are far away and to check out new music. The address is MY MYSPACE profile

You can find a little information about SURFING in PANAMA and MAINE in my SURFING page***UPDATED, NEW VIDEOS, PHOTOS!!!***. My calendar for events, etc, My Taekwondo page***NEW***.

My son and I

My son and I

My son At Hampton Beach

My son.

Geneva in purple.

Geneva(yep that's me) at Balboa Island, California. Copyright Les Walker. All rights reserved. Reproduction of pictures in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Les Walker or Geneva is PROHIBITED

Love Should Not Hurt

Before you go to those pages, DO take the time to read all my sections and you will see that this webpage is not only a modeling portfolio.

My movie trailer is finally here!Bullet 17 where I played a KGB agent. It's an independent film set to be released soon hopefully!It's all finished as far as the editing part and all they need to do is add the background music and it will be done! I'm the one in the black Hummer with the black glasses and the gun. You can also hear my voiceover in the trailer saying "It's ok Alex, we are friends" in russian accent hah hah!

BULLET 17 trailer

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Please DO NOT copy my pictures without my authorization. Thanks!

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Check these sections!!!! My music page Go there to see what I listen to these days!My My Health and Beauty page***NEW!!!. More things coming soon!!!

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You can contact me through this form too(be polite please!). Include your email address so I won't forget to reply when I can and oh if you're going to hang around here EVERY DAY OR OFTEN, why not write and let me know why you keep coming here so often? c'mon don't be a COWARD hah!

I was contacted through this form and my life changed forever...Bob found me here after months trying to get close to me after meeting me at the local grocery store. These are his 2 messages he sent me through this form:

userid = Surfrbelle name = Bob where = Sanford replyemail = ****** comments = Hey there I just stumbled on this page looking for a good spot to learn to surf and I recognized you! We met briefly at Hannaford the day your shopping cart was stolen. Anyway, I thought I would say "Hi". Pretty impressive stuff...I really admire your drive. Would love to hear back from you sometime! Thanks...Bob

Second message:

userid = Surfrbelle name = Bob where = Maine replyemail = ****** comments = Hey again Geneva, I was just checking your site out again and really feel that we should meet. I have had my heart broken as well...about a year ago. It is really hard to try to regain composure after such a blow to your self-esteem, but I actually am feeling pretty good finally! I really got a good impression the day that we briefly crossed paths and I was trying to conjour up the courage to ask for your name and number. When I finally did get the courage I was sidetracked by a friend as you walked by. I am extremly eager to get to know you and feel that stumbling onto your site was not just a coincidence. I am a very straight forward person and don't believe in putting on fronts and deception. Life is all about honesty and respect! I think if nothing else we could become friends, which I am lacking up here in Maine. Please consider getting in touch! I really hope that we can connect! Thanks...Bob

3rd message:

Hi Geneva, No I didn't steal your cart is that what this is all about? I know my pic looks like a mugshot, but I swear it wasn't me! I was at the deli counter and was cracking up at your reaction when you saw that your cart had been stolen... I did approach you later as we passed each other and inquired as to whether you got the cart back or not. I know it was not an earth shaking moment, but it was pretty intense for me just because I was astounded with how cute you were, not a usual occurrence here in Sanford! I am blown away how I stumbled onto your site today and figured out that you are the same person...pretty cool. I have kicked my self, not too hard but still kicked myself for not asking what your name and number were. So I guess heres my second chance! Anyway, I probably sound like a freak, but in actuality I am a nice guy, just looking for good people to be surrounded with! I attached a photo, its hard to pose for a inanimate object, but here it is! Thanks for your reply!

That was the second beginning of the beautiful story of how we came into each others' lives...and what a nightmare it became.

What is your name?

Where are you from?

E-mail address?

Photos Copyright Geneva. All rights reserved. Reproduction of pictures in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Geneva is prohibited.

My son At The Wall, Hampton 
Beach NH

You are visitor # Thanks for visiting my Page. Please come back soon, I'll be working on this page for a few days. I'm glad I live in this country where freedom of speech is a valuable right!

Surf, Enjoy The Beach and Keep it always Clean!

Money can't buy:

1. Happiness.

2. Love.

3. Class.

4. And last but not least...ME!!!

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