International Federation
of Dominoes
E-mail us clicking here.
Give us your opinion clicking
The International Federation of Domino born with the aim of groping
players, clubs and federations of Dominoes. Main objective of I.F.D. are:
Dominoes game become a recognized sport (for example as Chess is)
Organize International Championship of dominoes
Help players, clubs and federations all around the world.
To sign up send us a message with your personal profile (name, adress,
phone, email) saying that you're (player, federation or club) interested
in become member of de I.F.D. You have 3 ways to do that:
E-mail clicking here.
Mail to adress
Federación Internacional de Dominó
Santa Anna,10 Entlo. 2ª
08002 Barcelona
By fax to number +34 93 301 99 82