This is the G.D.W.A., the best in e-wrestling. . . period!
Our promotion is entirely booked which means we value role play, strategies and angles!

If you want to join the Grand Dragon Wrestling Alliance, review the Dragon's Layer !

If you are a member of the G.D.W.A please go to the Handler's Page!

G. D. W. A. Highly Reccommended Links.

The Grand Dragon Companion Page.
G.D.W.A.'s own Frankie Starz put up this site which posts information emphasizing the WRESTLERS rather than the fed.

Focusses on Japanese Wrestling. I got many All Japan Women's pics from him.

Scoops Wrestling Page
It begins and ends with Al and the daily Wrestling SCOOPS!

Miko's Wrestling Page
Her homepage focusses on Japanese Women's Wrestling....

International Electronic Wrestling Association
A great new fed with a Women's Division.

Virtual Sports Network
A homepage of e-wreslting sites!

And while you're at it...

Peep out these other GREAT links