The Club with the Community at heart


  1. All New South Wales Swimming Association Inc. meets will be conducted under the one start rule.
  2. On the long whistle from the Referee the swimmers shall step onto the Starting Platform and remain there, or for Backstroke swimming and Medley Relays, immediatdy enter the water. A second long whistle shall bring the swimmers immediately to the starting position.
  3. On the starter's command "Take your Marks" competitors will immediately take up their starting positions with at least one foot at the front of the starting platform, and in the case of a Backstroke event, their starting position in the water, and remain stationary.
  4. Whcn all competitors are stationary, the Starter shall give the starting signal by pistol shot, hooter, whistle or command.
  5. Any swimmer starting before the starting signal has been given, shall be disqualified. If the starting signal sounds before the disqualification is declared, the race shall continue and the swimmer or swimmers shall be disqualified upon completion of the race. If the disqualification is declared before the starting signal, the signal shall not be given, but the remaining swimmers shall be called back, be reminded by the starter of the penalties and start again.
  6. Competitors must finish in the lane in which they start and will remain in the water in their lanes at the finish of the event. On the signal from the Referee, competitors are to leave the water by the side of the pool.
  7. In an Individual Medley event the sequence of strokes is Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Freestyle. In a Teams Medley event, the sequence of stokes is Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly, Freestyle.
  8. In events of 800 and 1500 metres, lap counters will be displayed to advise the number of laps to be completed. A warning whistle will be given when each swimmer has two (2) lengths plus five (5) metres of the course to finish.

Note: If, because of the length of the program "starting over the top" is used competitors from the preceding heat are to move to the side of the lane, against the finishing wall, and remain still. When the next heat has started they should leave the pool by the sides as quickly as possible.