Welcome to my Pictures page (remember the Bill Cosby show on Nickelodeon?)  Only a select few images make it here, you have been forewarned.
This is the most recent picture that I have scanned in of myself (the male one) along with the lovely young lady known to the world as Paula. She has been "that special someone" since May 7, 1996 (three years already? I can barely believe it) and I am thrilled because of it.
Here we are again, this one from our senior year in high school, before we were dating :)  For the record, I usually don't dress that dope-ass.  A baseball cap, a tee-shirt (or polo) and jeans are my daily attire.
This is my brother and I, also in 1996.  He's taller and slightly less gawky now.  I'm just plain bigger.
Paula and I again (shocker, eh?), this time at my prom, June 7, 1996, which also happened to be P's eighteenth birthday.
My glamour shot, senior portrait, whatever you want to call it.  Notice the letterman's jacket with "Knowledge" written on it thrown over my shoulder.
This is me (what are the odds?) with my friend Keri taken at a formal dance in February of our senior year.
This is the one and only Eric Karros; watch him swing.