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AI-Shrine: Answers 

The DMX Series 2000 Technology represents a significant technological breakthrough in athletic footwear cushioning. The system employs active flow of air driven by the motion of your stride to deliver new levels of comfort, cushioning and stability all in one shoe. By using active flow of air and not simple inflated air chambers, the system delivers sensational cushioning precisely where and when the athlete needs it.

The new air pressure system adjusts to your type of play to give the best overall fit and usage out of your new shoes.

The new logo for the line of Allen Iverson shoes.

The Red Answer's
Release Date: January 23, 1998

Suggested Price: $126.99


Check out the section on last years Reebok Question's.

Go to the Reebok Picture Gallery. It contains a variety of different looks at all of Allen's shoes.

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