Today - August 27, 1999 - I am back for my first substantial page update since the devastating loss the Knicks suffered to the Heat in the '97 playoffs. Remember? It was the series in which the League benched as many Knicks as possible, including Ewing, after the absurd Ward vs. P.J. Brown scuffle during Game 5 in Miami. The Knicks subsequently lost the series after being up 3 - 1 in games. Now, you may think, "Wow! This guy really took it hard." Well, truth be told, it did reek but I moved on and just got away from updating the page. Of course, now the Knicks are coming off of their improbable run to the 1999 NBA Finals & I'm hopeful that they can have a similar run next year with K.J. running the point and a healthy Patrick.

This week's highlight - Rain in the mid-Atlantic states; the prospect of yet another President who takes liberties with truths; & the pending reemergence of the Judge page.

Please remember to keep this man in your thoughts as you enjoy your summer. Continue to envision his quest for a championship.


> I guess the biggest news of the NBA offseason was the Lakers' hiring of Phil Jackson. I maintain that this will turn into yet another example of what I call the "overvalued coach/undervalued player" phenomenon. For references, please see Pat Riley and Chuck Daly, or check in with Magic Johnson, Isiah Thomas and Michael Jordan.

And remember, Shaquille O'Neal will not win an NBA championship!

As for the Knicks, they obviously need to do something about the point guard spot. As I mentioned above, I think they should seriously pursue the currently retired Kevin Johnson, assuming they can't deal for an accomplished point guard.

The Orioles are a disgraceful club and will probably remain so throughout the duration of Mr. Angelos' ownership. What a joke!

Obviously, my prediction of two years ago did not become a reality for the then Memphis Oilers. Now that the club has been renamed the Tennessee Titans, I have renewed faith in their playoff prospects. I am concerned about McNair's back but I'll take the team's word that they are being extra careful and that he'll be good to go for their home opener against the Bengals September 12th.

Click here to see previous editions of "My Take" as well as old highlights.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you like my page. For now, feel free to browse or go check out my favorite teams. Please visit again - I'll try to keep things up to date.

Today's weather:

Click for South Hamilton, Massachusetts Forecast

I guess I'm geographically confused but these are my teams:

Tennessee Titans New York Knicks Baltimore Orioles

The O's stink. Here's to the great Oriole, Eddie Murray, taking over this team as its manager and putting Ray Miller out of his misery. It just can't get any worse. And now, as "luck" would have it, it appears as though Cal's back is going to keep him from reaching the 400 HR & 3000 hits plateaus this year, meaning that Peter Angelos will get to watch the turnstyles moving again next year as fans flock to see more individual milestones achieved amidst the backdrop of yet another sorry year for the Orioles.

Bye bye Houston. Hello Tennessee.

1997-98 will be the year that the Houston/Tennessee Oilers advance beyond the first round of the Playoffs. You heard it here first.

So, my prediction didn't come true...what can you do? For now, think back to the glory days of "Luv Ya Blue" when this man was tearing up opposing defenses and enjoy this awesome
video clip of two of his finer runs.

[ Yahoo! ] options Patrick, Eddie, & Earl thank you for being visitor since June 4, 1998.

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