Minmin 敏敏 's

Reading 開卷有益

Why do we read? I think we want to show people we can....that is one of the reasons. Now that we have the internet, there's much much more information available at our finger tips. Some authors even put excerpts of their book on the net as teasers. Let's not only stare at our monitor, books in print still have their place in life. 咁serious既? 唔似我喎 (自己都覺得奇怪)
好既中文小說作家好多, 早一輩有我是山人,金庸, 現在有梁鳳儀,嚴泌.加上大陸作家實在係百花齊放,益哂我地讀者.得閒買多幾本書睇, 有益架 (不過唔係果D鹹書喎.....yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)

倪匡 有佢地既網址唔該話聲比我聽啦 :-)
梁鳳儀 有佢地既網址唔該話聲比我聽啦 :-)
王易 有佢地既網址唔該話聲比我聽啦 :-)
李敏 有佢地既網址唔該話聲比我聽啦 :-)
張小嫻 有佢地既網址唔該話聲比我聽啦 :-)
亦舒 有佢地既網址唔該話聲比我聽啦 :-)
深雪 有佢地既網址唔該話聲比我聽啦 :-)
張小嫻 有佢地既網址唔該話聲比我聽啦 :-)
嚴泌 有佢地既網址唔該話聲比我聽啦 :-)
瓊瑤 有佢地既網址唔該話聲比我聽啦 :-)
古龍 有佢地既網址唔該話聲比我聽啦 :-)
我朋友譚劍既中文科幻小說. 出左板啦. 佢話會送一本比我喎.

Foreign Books 外國小說
In a nutshell (not a nuthouse), I'm a paperback junkie. I love Clancy, Clavell, Christie (why do their last names all end with a "C"?) Books keep life interesting, another form of escape. I don't (can't) speed read, I think books are meant to be savored like a light chablis. ^O^

Tom Clancy 而家既至愛! 真係好好睇喎
James Clavell 開始睇佢呢, 就睇 "Space" 啦
Stephen King 驚到震呀直情!
Sidney Sheldon 舊時果埋就好, 新既都好重複既
Arthur Hailey 可以一路睇得開心, 一路學到好多八野喎
John Grisham 睇完會想做律師架
Agatha Christie 好難估架, 個凶手 時時都出人意表既
James Michener 一代宗師!

This page will be updated regularly (when I'm not too busy doing other things...hehe)

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多謝貴客過訪 (唔係過房.....不過好似又係喎...唉, 我都搞唔清楚) ^O^ 1