I've really done all these sports before. Some I still do daily, some I do once in a while, and some I don't think I'll do again. 我真係玩過哂呢D運動既, 唔係得把聲架咋 :D
Low Risk Sports 冇險運動
Everyone can do these sports. There are little to no risks involved.......unless you count sprinkling an ankle at ping pong, getting your feelings hurt at bowling...etc
玩呢d野呢, 就好少會出事既. 不過都係小心d好喎.
Sports 睇下實唔會有事既
Badminton 羽毛球 都好多人玩喎
Tennis 網球 張德培第二啦, 唔知佢幾時第一呢下?
Swimming 游泳 水呀! 水呀!
Squash 璧球 唔係食果隻生果呀, 係璧球呀!
Racquetball 中文叫乜呢? 〈砍頭埋牆球〉?
Bowling 保齡球 打保齡球千祈唔好打分飛燕!
Ping Pong 乒乓波 人人細個都玩架喇
Medium Risk Sports 少少危險運動
These sports are midium risks because there are certain danger in doing them; however, with caution and care, the risk is acceptable.
呢d就有些少危險喇, 不過都係好, 唔係咁巴閉咋
Outdoors .....嫁著馬騮隨山走.....
Karate 空手道 ...用黎打d成日遲到人既
Taekwondo 跆拳道 令女仔唔比男仔蝦既野
Aikido 合氣道 唔係合該生氣係呢道呀
Skiing 滑雪 又見雪飄過, 飄於傷心記憶中....
Aerobics 高氧運動 唔係羔羊行動
Scuba Diving 潛水 唔係開工果時喎, 咪誤會呀
Riding 騎馬 二場十二號搭三場七號二串三丫唔該
American Football 美式足球 好剌激架! 成日撞到d人周圍飛喎.......好野!
High Risk Sports 危險到暈運動
People call these sports "extremes" because they are.
Every year we heard about people falling off mountains; splashing into the ground; crashing into barriers; drowning in DEEP water; got eaten by big fishes.......
Check with your life insurer if you want to try it out. Be careful!
Normal people will not do these things...........
玩呢d運動既人呢, 佢地全部 short short 地既, 我地(以後)千祈唔好學佢地唧!
Extreme Skiing 癲佬滑雪 見過實嚇死你! 年年都有人因為咁而蒙主寵召喎
Soaring 滑翔機 你有畏高症就變左滑腸機∼∼∼
Hang gliding 滑翔風箏 我有牌架, 信唔信呀?
Sky Diving 跳降落傘 有冇睇 True Lies 呀? 咪係咁囉
Bungy Jumping 笨豬跳 我識個人叫做敏敏大笨豬