The 2002 season is about to get underway! The Knights Allstars are ready to make their 7th season, “A Year To Remember”! With the support of our staff, our community, our team members and their families, Knights Elite has high hopes for this season and the years to come.
Illinois Knights Elite was incorporated on February 17, 1998 under the name Mt. Prospect Cheerleading Association (MPCA) as an Illinois Non-Profit organization. Our motto is “Building the Future of Young Athletes”. Our primary objective is to help young athletes build themselves physically, emotionally and socially. Through practice and competition, these young athletes will gain a sense of responsibility, commitment, teamwork, sportsmanship, respect for themselves and others, fairness, and dedication. Preparing them for high school and college is another of M.P.C.A.’s main objectives.
These pages talk about what's going on at Knights Elite now, and what is coming up! Please sign our guestbook, and let us know who you are.
Cheerleaders and Coaches can leave messages, share ideas, ask questions or just chat.
Head over to the Cheerleader Bulletin Board NOW and see what's happening.
TRYOUTS SET FOR APRIL 21ST & APRIL 28TH - The Knights will hold their annual tryouts at Prospect High School. Check-in begins at 11:30 with a parent information session at noon, followed by the tryout clinic and tryouts. 5 cheer and 1 dance team will be selected.
Knights Elite Winter Cheer Clinics were held January 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2002 at Prospect High School. Kids in Kindergarten through High School gathered for 4 Sunday afternoons of cheers, dance, jumps, tumbling and stunts. All sessions were SOLD OUT! For more information on future Knights clinics, send email to ILLINOIS KNIGHTS ELITE ALLSTARS
LAST UPDATE - 4/27/02
You are visitor # since Oct. 21, 1997
Some images on this website were created by Brianne Peterson
This page is maintained by ILLINOIS KNIGHTS ELITE ALLSTAR CHEER & DANCE. Thank you for visiting and please come back soon. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please send email to I.K.E.A.