Now for a little about me, I suppose! I was born in Aurora Colorado (near Denver). My family then moved to Korea where we lived for a few years. After that, we went to Seattle where I saw my first baseball game! I always considered the Mariners my favorite team, but I didn't really become "obsessed" until the 1995 play-offs when the Mariners beat the Yanks! Ever since, I have fallen in love with the team and baseball in general.

First I went to West Mercer Elementary School in Seattle. Then I moved to Colorado and I went to High Plains Elementary School. Next I went to Challenger Middle School and finally I moved to Virginia and went to Washington Irving Middle School.

Now I live in Virginia where the Orioles are the "home team" but I stay as true to the Mariners as I can! I go to Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology where I also manage for the swim team. I'm a sophmore, and I'm taking French, Computer Science, math, English, History, and all that other good stuff. I enjoy reading (Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan especially), tennis, swimming, surfing the net, and watching TV (Caroline in the City, X-files, Simpsons, Early Edition, Profiler, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Seinfeld, and almost anything else on!).

I have a toy poodle named Teddy and two gerbils named Salty and Fayle. I also have an older sister. Well, I think that is enough about me! Write if you have any questions, compliments, whatever!

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