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Site kinda sorta updated just a bit 7/22/07

Well, it's about time I did this.

I've been bitten by the MySpace bug, and, as a result, I've totally neglected my GeoCities site for more than a year. That's not right.

What I've decided to do is, with regards to updates and blogs/commentaries, I'm going to focus my attention on my MySpace account. For new pics (I've taken most of the pics from this site and put them there) and blogs, check out Rob Moore, The Voice Of PCW.

On the bright side for this site, I will keep the links active so that you can still access the features here, such as my photo galleries and my Smoky Mountain Wrestling tribute, as well as the archive of Masanori Horie's outstanding View From The Rising Sun column.

Basically, this entire site will now be an archive, a museum of sorts, while my ongoing Internet presence will be on my MySpace.

My thanks for those who have visited this site, and I hope you continue to do so. See you on MySpace!


Rob Moore
Texas Wrestling Announcer and Voice Of PCW



Rob with the Sportatorium sign
Rob with a sign from the Dallas Sportatorium, rescued by Doyle King, Dallas, Texas, January 22, 2005

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Brian Hildebrand

Memorial banner for Brian Hildebrand courtesy of Miss Pamela of "Ringside With Miss Pamela"

Visit the Brian Hildebrand Memorial Website

Rob and Tonya
Rob and girlfriend Tonya Martin, Christmas Eve 2005

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