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Hey you, out there beyond the wall... Welcome to the once again redesigned website of Wyandotte County D-Generates. I changed the layout because I accidentally deleted my fuckin index page... Just say it, I'm a dumbass. What can I say? Just kick back and enjoy the ride. (By the way, the pic on the right was made by muh buddy Rick... Thanx dood, u kick ass.)
--04/17/02 haHA!!! Welcome back to the Dotte D-Generate's official webpage. I have decided to finally start updating, including (but not limited to): The pranks we promised in November, My thoughts on the ignorance called life, and I finally came across the articles from my former webpage, D-Generate Radio. So check dat shiite muslim out, and enjoy yo'self.
Copyright 2001 Sir Guido Sarducci. D-Generates® and D-Generate Radio®
are Registered Trademarks of Guido Sarducci