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Dallas Cowboys
Welcome to the Cowboys Cheerleaders Home Page! At this website, I am here to celebrate to wonderful tradition that is the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. These world famous women are on the sidelines every game to rev up the fans and the players. They do a very good job of it too. Enjoy this page and keep coming back often, cause I'm working hard to get it finished!
These girls on the sidelines deserve as much recognition as the players do, and they pretty much get it. Known all around the world, The Cheerleaders help cheer the 'Boys on in every game.

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Over the years, the DCC have done such things as visit troops overseas to boost soldiers' morale, participate in various charity events, traveled in show groups, and other such wholesome activities. It just goes to show you that some people, even after much success, still care about their people. It makes you proud to a C'Boys fan, when you see how much the organization cares about others. If only this attitude could spread throughout all of proffessional sports

Let's hear it for the women in silver and blue, who make Cowboys games not only sports, but sports entertainment. That was what The Cheerleaders were founded on, making sports entertainment. If it weren't for the cheerleaders, the NFL would be just another football league, instead of the American tradition it has evolved into.

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Hits Since June 29, 1999

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