Liliya Biography
Name: Liliya Alexandrunova Podkopayeva
Birthdate: 15 August 1978
Age: 20
Country: Ukraine though she's now living in America
Favourite gymnast: Svetlana Boginskaia
Favourite food: Seafood
Coach: Galina Losinskaya
Current goal: Sydney Olympics
Accomplishments: 95 World Champion, 96 European Champion, 96 Olympic Champion
Favourite countries: Canada & Australia
Hobbies- Spending time with friends, reading "different stuff" & driving her car.
*"I am a person, not a machine. Even machines get broken"
*"The Podkopayeva style is clarity, immaculate technique, performing class. Emotion great choreography, feel of the poses, completion of the moves. That is Liliya. That is what separates Liliya from the rest."
"Liliya is my 2nd daughter. For 13 years we have worked together. We have shared hard work, success and failure. My opinion about Liliya hasn't changed during the years. The only change is that she is growing up."
"First, Liliya is a very gifted gymnast. Second, she is a determined person. Third, during the 10 years leading to the Olympics, she worked intensely, almost without a rest."- coach, Galina Lossinskaia
*"I have a more classical style, a combination of choreography and difficult elements. In my performances I try to incorporate everything taught in my training."
*Galina is not only a coach but a 2nd mother. On the national team she was like a doctor, hair stylist, school teacher and tailor. She took us to museums and on excursions, and instilled in us a love of books. She can also advise us on how to better handle a situation."
*On her choreographer: "(Dubova) instilled in us a love of ballet, and the ability to interpret the music with movements."
*"All the world knows Liliya. I am proud to be her coach, but this does not give me the right to be self-righteous and arrogant."
"My nature is to be modest and shy. I do not like to speak about my success. I prefer that someone else does. I have tried to bring Liliya up the same way. Her successes speak for themselves. All this means that her coaches prepared her well."- Galina Lossinskaia.
*"I enjoy that they know me on the street, and being in the public eye. It is really nice that the people do not forget their heros."
*When asked about the future: "I cannot answer this question with 100% certainty. Because in life it is hard to predict the future."
*"I want to express my thanks to America. That it welcomes athletes and gives them the possibility to continue their professional sports life on a professional level."
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