Welcome to Vian's Homepage
My website is basically an online photo album of my friends, family, and me that I started in a couple years ago. The first few pages are old and they progress through the years of my life. You can chose which event and date you want to see.
1999 Pictures of My Friends and Me
1999 Swimming Pictures
1999 Swimming Pictures Continued
1999 Pictures of my Family and Me
Baby Pictures
It would be greatly appreciated if you signed my guestbook! Click here.
If you'd like to e-mail me I'd love to hear from you!
Don't forget to view my slambook!!!
Don't forget to sign my slambook!!!
1999 Summer Europe Trip
00-01Pictures of my friends and me
1999 Summer Europe Pics Continued
00-01More Friends and me Pictures
May 2000 Junior Prom
Trip to Fiesta Texas. April 2000
Cancun, Spring Break 2000
Y2K 2000 New Year's Celebration
Links to my friends pages.
September 2000 101X Fest
August 2000 Birthday Party
Westwood Football game. October 2000
Homecoming Pictures 2000
Aug 2000 Dixie Chicks Concert
Corpus Christi 2000 swim meet.
To see my special shout-outs to my friends click the following: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Pics of My Spring Break Picnic 2001
2001 Pictures of my friends and me
Pictures of my wild girlies and me
Group pictures 2001
Miscellaneous Pictures.
Vian's Fact File