Jondra Curly Acres
John and Andrea Schaap
RR # 2
Englehart, ON, P0J 1H0
Tel: (705) 544-8813
Fax: (705) 544-8994
Breeders of the Hypoallergenic North American Curly Horse
Jazz and Luna 4 year old Spartacus granddaughters who are for sale.
2008 Boys for Sale
2008 Mares for Sale
Curly horses have been part of our life since 1998 when we discovered this hypoallergenic breed. It was marvellous that our son, Gary, could enjoy horses without antihistamines. In the beginning it was just that trait that attracted us. It didn't take long for the awesome personality and versatility of these horses to make us true Curly Horse enthusiasts.

Intriqued with the unusual traits of the Curly, Dr. Andrea Schaap (veterinarian) became actively involved in the creation and development of the 
International Curly Horse Organization, created to  increase our base of factual knowledge about this fascinating equine phenomena, as well as run a credible registry.

Due to serious time constraints, we have decided to stop breeding, at least for the time, so we are now putting several of our better breeding mares up for sale. The boys we were going to keep as stallions are now gelded, and for sale. All our horses are well socialized, sound, healthy and have, at the least, good groundwork basics. Take a look at our for sale pages for some great curly horses.

We are located in Northern Ontario, 6 hours driving north of Toronto or west of Ottawa in beautiful Temiskaming. We are just off Highway 11.
       Click the map for a larger verision.
John, Andrea, Gary, Jenica and April Schaap
The Curly Horse of America -

Breeders of the Curly Horse

Curly Sales Page

Curly Stallion Showcase

Curly Products

Clicker Training Horses

International Curly Horse Organization

Gaited Curlies

Cloudcroft Curlies (New Mexico)

The Canadian Curly Association

The American Paint Horse Association

American Bashkir Curly Registry  -

Yanagi Stables - Ontario-

Horsetrader Classifieds
Email us! andreaschaap
Digger's Pedigree
Curly Characteristics
2008 Sales Mares
2008 Sales Boys
Curly History