Your Gateway to Greyhound Racing Punting Resources, Victoria, Australia.
(Established on the Internet since 1995) is a completely free service supplied in the interests of sharing information and promoting interest in the sport.

It is run by Greg Hughson who has been involved in the Greyhound Industry at numerous times over the 30 years.
I am 48 years young and retain an great enthusiasm for the wonderful sport of Greyhound Racing.

I first put this website online in 1992 as a expose'  of my particular method of Rating and Predicting Greyhound Racing Performances.
at a time when no such information was readily available or shared. These days I believe there is still a lack of the same.
I wanted to share a little of my experience and methods that some other fellow punters may or may not find useful.

The Method I use is basically Speed Ratings Based approach using the Track Records as a measurement of Class.
The Full Method and Formula used are on the 'Ratings Method' Link on this Website.
In 1995 started posting Greyhound Race Ratings and Odds for selected Greyhound Race Meetings and has done so until this day.
There is also some Links to Staking Methods and other information that may be of interest to the Punter.

I trust you will enjoy using this Website's Information and may find it helpful and of interest to your wagering.
Please feel free to contact me regarding this Website Content at any time.

Greg Hughson 2004


Sharing Online Greyhound Info and Ratings since 1995
153 Bayview Rd McCrae Vic 3938
MOB: 0411-152 216
ICQ# 95661883


Additional Info on me:
For those who may be interested in more about me,
I was educated at Victoria College with a Degree in Fine Art majoring in Photography and have an Arts Degree (Divinity).
I worked in the Film and Music Industries as a stills photographer.
During the 1970's and 1980's I was employed exclusively in the Music Industry,  working with some of Australia and the World's best Rock Acts, both as a Musician
and later as a Tour Manager, but retired from that business in 1991.
My main current occupation is as a Punter, Stockmarket and Property Investor.
The other passion in my life is Martial Arts. I am the Australian Branch Chief of a major International Karate Organization and post Black Belt ranked in several styles.
I count myself as privileged to have been able to have the opportunities to pursue my life interests as a means of income.
This Webpage is my little way of giving something back to the Internet as regards to Greyhound Racing aspect of my life as it has given a lot to me.