there you go, now you know what 'OAS' stands for.
Odd and Sods - a catch-all for general stuff that doesn't entirely
fit anywhere else. Sounds like most Hashers I know.
Also, 'Stop Press' news initially broken on the index page will
migrate here after a couple of weeks, to keep late-comers (and
the forgetful?) informed.
Oh yeah, and pigs might get to fly...
1) Have your pink registration card handy when you arrive.
The card has your number on it, which will match a tag on your goodie bag and your name on our list so we can check you in. All without having to even mutter your name in any language. Think - no need to stop drinking beer!
Yep, I know only a few of you have them so far, the rest went out today.
2) Bring a sleeping bag!
Or sheet/grubby rag/favourite inflatable plaything. Basically, whatever you want to
sleep in, on or under.
Errr, we'll supply the building...
3) And something (body?) soft to lie on...
We're sleeping on tatami, folks. (Assuming you make it into the building and don't just pass out under the nearest bush. Hey, been there, done that.)
They won't let us hooligan hashers piss all over use their nice futons.
So if your bones are of delicate composition (or you're just an old fart), perhaps haul something soft along with you to sleep on?
4) Carry a torch/flashlight.
(Depending on which side of the pond you originally hail from. Or liege to.)
We've found some nice dark tunnels to run you through! Don't worry, they're train-sized...
...and disused ...we think... ...hope... but veeery daaark... Buuuaaah ha ha ha aaaaaaooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww...
5) Pack at least one item of wet weather gear!
Bright sunshine has been ordered for all four days, and if it doesn't arrive of course all Religious Advisors present will be suitably punished.
Might be worth toting a rain coat to wear while watching them drown in suds... Just hope you don't need it. (We'll still find something to give 'em a Down-Down for...)
6) Your data pack might even be useful!
When it arrives, that is. Went out today, 12th July.
Contains directions by road, rail and air, a route map from the expressway, train/bus timetables from Osaka, and a list of the times various activities might happen. If you get lost, wave it at somebody. And if you're lucky they'll direct you to the nearest asylum...
7) Note that we are away from the camp ALL DAY Saturday.
Yep, buses leave the place by 8:30 and 9:30, not to return until 19:30 and 20:30 (you'll smell goood!). We'll have two A –> B runs ending with a wash in the Dojo river followed by a BBQ.
Pack two sets of running gear plus BBQ-wear plus anything else you might need (medication (all hashers could use that), make-up (ladies: It's the hash, leave it off, we'll still love you; men: Don't even think about it. Please.), pet aardvark (mine's called Neville and is invisible, how about yours?)) until 19:30 - before getting on the bus;
If you are arriving after 9:30 on Saturday, check the schedule and lump you and your gear straight to the nearest start point. (Detailed instructions under
Where the f...?)
We'll check ya in there and bus you and all your stuff back to the camp later!
8) Vegetarians - let us know
Not days before the event or an hour after you arrive but NOW! We will do our best to have an egg or foliage alternative available to the dead animals being offered (yes I'm a carnivore), but we need to know in advance! (If you know of any off-line veggie friends who are coming, perhaps check with them by 'phone then e-mail us on their behalf.)
Vegans, sorry, we can't guarantee the oil/fat source as not ever having had a pulse...
9) Contact phone number(s?).
Yep, I admit it, first thing I've discovered I forgot to put in the data packs...
Only my number here so far, 'til I get permission from other fools hashers to put theirs on line.
Slime Limie - 090-85207186
Note it NOW, it may not stay up long, and in any case, you're bound to forget just before you set off!
If I'm busy (or more likely "out of service area"), leave a message and I'll get back to you. Haven't tried it at Sanda Athletic yet, might be inaccessible there.
Salespeople, please don't bother me; heavy breathers, do brush your teeth before calling...
On Home!
Where the f...? |
'Ow much?
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Web site (occasionally) maintained by Slimie Limie.
This page last interfered with on 12 July 2000
1999,2000 Chiisai neko productions
Sorry about the noise below, gotta pay the rent somehow!