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Southern Tier Garden Railway Society
James Gunsalus Editor
1630 King Street
Vestal, NY 13850
(607) 748-7908 (

 Volume Twenty Number Two Page: 1 March/April 2009 
at a glance section:

Saturday, June 6th: Open house at Mike Ledley's home in Duanesbury,NY with the Glens Falls model railroad club.
Saturday, June 20th: Garden tour including Mike Ledley's layout in Duanesburg, NY.
Monday, July 6th : National Model RR Convention from Hartford, Conn. at Mike Ledley's home in Duanesburg, NY.
Saturday, July 25th: Open house at Ray and Elma Taylors in Bainbridge, NY.
Sunday, August 23rd: Open house at the Breiners in Claryville, NY. More info in the next newsletter.
Friday and Saturday, September 25th and 26th: The second ECLSTS in York, Pa.

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And now for the beef:

Saturday, June 6th: Mike will be hosting an open house with the Glens Falls model railroad club from Noon until 4 PM. A potluck lunch will begin at 1. If it rains, the event will be held on Sunday. See below for contact info.
Saturday, June 20th: Mike's layout will be part of a garden tour in his area that will be a fund raiser for the Soropimist's, a women betterment organization. This is a multi garden tour that runs

from 10AM til 4PM (rain or shine) but, his is the only garden railroad. There is a cost of $12 for tickets for the tour. Mike's layout has had pictures and articles written about it in newspapers and magazines. It is a great layout to visit! For more info you can contact Mike at 518-895-2926 or

Monday, July 6th : This open house at Mike Ledley's will be part of a drive yourself tour by the National Model RR Convention of Hartford, Conn. There is no cost to visit this event and the hours are from 10AM to 4PM and also rain or shine. Let's hope for the shine part. There will be no food at either event.

Saturday, July 25th : The Taylors will be hosting an open house at their home in Bainbridge, NY. They feature the "East Guilford Railway" which sits under a tree in the back yard. You can set this date aside and more info will be coming in future newsletters.

Gail Gunsalus

"The robins are back, the robins are back, kind of like "The British are coming" - a proclamation of spring. Planning and dreaming are almost over and it is time for work to commence. I spent Sunday before last afternoon wandering around my layout and finally ended up working in the flower beds