season 1999


teamplayers and  general play possition:

Maureen Fidder:  Catcher.
Patricia de Greef: Pitcher
Rikje Houtman: Pitcher
Petra van der Groep:thirt Base
Odette Rikkelman: second Base
Greet Reiken: Pitcher
Petra Verhoef: first Base
Ingeborg Koeman: Shortstop
Linda Groot: first base
Wendy Wilms :  Right field
Debbie de Ruiter: Midfield
Regan van Hattum: Left field
Esther Groot: Right field

Coach: Peter Schenk
Trainer: Felix Mijne

This year we started in january, as usual with softballpractise inside a sporthall.
In april we started with the first practise
matches on the field.
At the end of april we started the competition. We made a very good start
and we won everything. But then, I think,
it was a cause of to much self confidence, we began to loose some games. We ended at the 3th place.


1. Koedijk

2. Alcmaria/Bears

3. Flying Petrels 2

4. Seaguls

5. Urbanus

6. Double Stars

7. Sullivans

8. Alcmaria victrix

9. Crommtigers

10. Flying Petrels 3

11. Rangers

played  won   loose   points

18              16         2            32

18              15         3            30          

20              13         7            26

19              11         8            22

17              10         7            20  

19              10         9            20

18              10         8            20

19              8          11           16   

18              6          12           12

19              2          17           4 

18              0          18            0

Best Batter 1999:
Odette Rikkelman
MVP 1999:
Patricia de Greef
Greet Reiken