October 3, 1864--11.30 a. m.

Lieutenant-General GRANT:

All quiet during the night, an attempt was made on Kautz's and Birney's pickets,  on the Darbytown and New Market roads, last evening, which was easily repulsed,  and by Birney with the capture of seventeen prisoners. Lieutenant Michie is at  work on the new line with 1,000 colored troops. Will you telegraph to the  secretary of War for a brevet major(?) for Michie in his corps? I wish him as my  chief engineer. If gallant, unwearied, and most meritorious services are ever  deserving they are in this case. Also, an order that he be put on duty in his  brevet rank. I have set Ludlow's extra men at Dutch Gap at work on the redoubt  on signal Hill near him. Four regiments of Pickett's division are over here from  the Bermuda line between Appomattox and James, leaving about 2,500 men there. I  believe I could break through on the left with 3,000 negroes. Can we not have  the other corps here?


Major-General, Commanding.