Welcome to the T-GOAT homepage!!
Go to the T-GOAT Lyrics page to view some of the very, very cool songs we've composed over the season!
T-Goat is the name of the PHATTEST ultimate frisbee team in the Edmonton, Alberta Ultimate Frisbee Winter League. We have been playing since November and our record in the regular season was a stellar 10 wins and 3 losses.

**NEWS UPDATE** As of Thursday, March 25th, we have become the EDMONTON WINTER LEAGUE CHAMPIONS!!!

Here are the members and positions of the T-Goat Juggernaut:

Karla Sudholt: Captain
Jamie Hoover: Coach and Star player
Chris Reaume: Tall guy
Kevin Reid: Short guy
Andrea Hoover: Secret Weapon
Anna Darwin: Speedy girl
Chandra Magill: On-field medic
Rich Graham: Speedy guy
Marlo Raynolds: Invisible guy
Alan Wharmby: General goon and goofball

Go the the GOATS ON PARADE page to see all of the members of the T-GOAT juggernaut.
Check out the GOAT STAMPEDE page to see how T-GOAT celebrated after winning the Winter League Championships.
Here are our team cards:
Anna Darwin
Jamie Hoover
Karla Sudholt
Anna, our lean, mean disc catching machine.
Karla, the captain of our team proudly surveys the fine squad.
Jamie Hoover, looking extemely horny as usual.
Kevin Reid
Chandra Magill Marlo Raynolds
Marlo, our invisible player in a moment of visibility
Kevin Reid with the most nipple he's seen in years.
Chandra, I wonder where Jamies looking?!?
Andrea Hoover
Rich Graham
Chris Reaume
O.K, we'll go easy on Andrea, she has enough trouble with the league dictator!
Hey Chris, Have another one, you fucking lush!!! (Or is this you after a wild time with Kara-Lee)
Hey Rich, where's the beef??
Alan Wharmby
Who is this superfly motherfucker?? Damn, now thats a HOT goat!!!! (I wonder who made this homepage! - No, kevin, NOT chris!)
Here are some DOPE links!!!
The Edmonton Ultimate Winter League- Our league, of which we are the illest!!

Dicks Rock song Lyrics Homepage
- This dude has some superfly tunes.

Regional Dictionaries
- These homies put together a whack collection o' dictionaries!

Afrosquad - stick it to the man!!