Neil Killoran's Wood Carving & Leather Craft
While in the Navy in 1949 I learned to do leather crafts and eventually leather figure carving. The leather carvings were usually nature scenes and framed for wall mounting.

In 1988 I became interested in wood carving. I am a member of the Onondaga Wood Carvers. Through the help of fellow members my work has improved to the point that I have received several Ribbons from our club shows and more at the New York State Fair.  Check my schedule for local shows within the Syracuse area.

My carvings are in several different categories including Ducks, Shore birds, Song birds and lately several carvings of game fish. I also do caricature carvings and Santa Carvings.  My carvings vary is size.  I make small pins that are a couple inches long, some wall hangings, and carvings that sit alone, or are mounted on driftwood or branches.


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