Please help end the misery of millions of sports fans who must listen to the inept Brent Musberger broadcast sporting events.  Give ABC Sports a piece of your mind by clicking on Brent's picture at left. 

Thanks for your support.

*As a time saver you can cut and paste the below text into your message to ABC.
Dear ABC:

I can be silent no more!!!!

While I have no ill feelings toward Mr. Brent Musberger as a person, my contempt for Mr. Musberger as an on air personality grows exponentially each weekend.  His approach to a television broadcast is as if he were calling a game for radio.  He simply does not shut up and let the viewer enjoy the game.  The only talent he possesses is the ability to state the obvious.  I find that I must turn off the sound to enjoy a game he is announcing.  His mindless, ill informed, babble simply makes it impossible to watch a game.  He annoys me to the point of anger! 

ABC is a fantastic sports network!  Great broadcast journalists such as Al Michaels, Jim McKay, John Madden, and Keith Jackson make your network a joy to watch.  They are true professionals who know that "what you say" is just as important as "what you don't say" during a sports broadcast.  I am befuddled why ABC Sports would employ someone like Brent Musberger.  He is an embarrassment to your network and to the sports he covers.  Take a lesson from CBS Sports and remove Mr. Musberger from your broadcasts!

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
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